Friday, December 1, 2023

Branding the hostages

"Knowing that Hamas tortured and branded the children held hostage, should fill the IDF fighters with even more of an angry resolve. I am sorry that innocents need to die in this military action - but if they do, it is all on Hamas. They lit the match."

Could someone please tell me again why it is wise to trust a group of cold-blooded killers like Hamas?  This is a group of thugs whose name translated literally means "violence". Now that the Israelis have some of the hostages back home, the tales of abuse are beginning to leak out. They were mistreated. Can't say their treatment was not in accordance with the Geneva Convention, as this group of thugs is not an Army. They are terrorists. As such, there are no Geneva Convention rules. 

And now after seven days of getting back about 100 hostages, the IDF is once again laying siege to the Gaza Strip. If this is what it takes to eradicate this bunch of soulless killers, then let "er" rip. After what Hamas did to Jewish babies on October 7th, nothing more should surprise me or sicken me. But it has. It seems Hamas branded the hostage children with the red-hot tailpipes from motorcycles. Why? So just in case some escaped, they could be identified as Jewish hostages.

Now that the war has picked up again, the gnashing of teeth in the Biden administration can be heard all over the land. Why? Biden is sitting on a civil war within his party. Some Democrats blame Israel for the October 7th attack (please don't ask me why), and other Democrats still support Israel. But the people who mystify me the most, are the ones in the middle. The "Rodney King" crowd. "Can't we all just get along?" Or "Can't we just forgive and forget?". Just the horrors of the Holocaust can never be forgotten, neither can the carnage of October 7th. As Bibi said after the attack, "Every member of Hamas is a dead man walking". 

Knowing that Hamas tortured and branded the children held hostage, should fill the IDF fighters with even more of an angry resolve. I am sorry that innocents need to die in this military action - but if they do, it is all on Hamas. They lit the match. Israel did not start this war, but they will finish it. 

One more thing. Have you noticed how Biden has changed on this war? Right after the carnage happened, Biden was almost a hawk. 100% behind Israel. Then the protests started. And day by day, you could see Biden start to weaken. The absolutes which were coming out of his mouth, now became equivocations and prevarications. In other words, Biden once again, turned into a 81-year-old squish. His support if Israel is now tepid, at best.

I would like to feel sorry for Hamas, but I can't. Time to reap what you have sown. The hangman is at your doorstep, and justice is about to be served. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but some of us can still tell good from evil. 


1 comment:

  1. Time to tell all these useful idiots to STFU. "End the occupation"? Gaza has not been occupied for some 15 years. Whatever conditions are there (and they are miserable), they are entirely the fault of the Hamas government, one of the two states in the "Two-state solution." The other half of the non-existent and never existed "Palestinian State" is ruled by Fatah and they REPEATEDLY refused a two-state solution when it was handed to them on a silver platter. As for the "truce" or "ceasefire" which Hamas has just broken, it should be noted that there was a truce/ceasefire in place on 10/6! When Hamas claims in their official charter and their official statements that their aim is the eradication of the Jewish state and the Jewish people, why do these idiots not believe it?
