Thursday, December 14, 2023

Guilty and guiltier

"Guilty and guiltier. Sleazy and sleazier. The Bidens. The whole family (expect Navy) makes me queasy. Some on the left feel the same about Trump. But at least, Trump got stuff done."

This is a pair to draw to. The Bidens. Dad (Joe the "Big Guy") is going through an impeachment inquiry, and Hunter (the crackhead), is under subpoena to be disposed by the House. First Hunter - he shows up at the Senate, has a blistering presser on how bad the "MAGA" Republicans are, and then blows off his date with the House. Then we have the "Big Guy". Now that the impeachment inquiry is going on, he blasted the MAGA Republican House for "not doing the people's business" - you know, like Joe does. In any event, the ball is now starting to roll. 

What will come out of all of this? Option One: Hunter gets pardoned by the "Big Guy", and the myth of two tiers of justice becomes a cold hard fact. Option Two: Hunter does not testify before the House, and then is held in contempt. Fines and maybe some jail time follows. Option Three: Hunter is tried for tax evasion, and even the great and powerful Abbe Lowell cannot save him from jail time. In any event, the poor grandchild (child of Hunter's) named Navy, will continue to suffer having Biden as a family name. Why? Dad and grandad are both sleaze artists.

What about Joe? Will he be impeached? Probably not. Nowhere near enough votes. That is, unless something very damning comes out of the inquiry. Then, maybe. But leaving impeachment aside, Joe will be exposed for what he is. A phony. A crook. A liar. Then what do we do with an 81-year-old man who is corrupt and forgetful? Get rid of him via the 25th Amendment? Doubtful. For reasons most normal humans do not understand, Biden still has his loyalists. And they will stick with him through thick and thin.

My take? If we are going to impeach Biden, let's impeach him for dereliction of duty for not keeping our borders secure. Both Biden and Mayorkas should walk the plank on this one. And if we really wanted to pile on, I would also charge Biden, Blinken, Sullivan, and Austin for dereliction of duty for happened at Abby Gate while retreating from Afghanistan.

Guilty and guiltier. Sleazy and sleazier. The Bidens. The whole family (expect Navy) makes me queasy. Some on the left feel the same about Trump. But at least, Trump got stuff done. And he kept us safe and out of wars. Having the Bidens in charge of our country, is like having the Soprano's in charge of our banking. Enough said. Full stop.     

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