Sunday, March 5, 2023

A bad car, going off the track...

"The DFL is a bad car (Tim Walz), now going off the track (DFL). The normals are on the sidelines watching, as the crazies continue to ruin the state. Iowa, the state I once made fun of, is looking better, more and more. So are the Dakotas."

What the Sam Hill is going on in St. Paul these days? The DFL Oligarchy, led by Taxing Timmy, has taken leave of their senses. This past week, Tim Walz signed a bill allowing 60,000 felons to vote. Past statistics have shown that felons vote overwhelmingly DFL. Between the abortion bill, the climate bill, driver licenses for illegals, the marijuana bill - what could be next? How about a ban on plastic drinking bottles? 

Water bottles? Really? What could become of that bill, should it signed into law? First off, it will hurt food retailers. As if they have not been hurt enough by the pandemic and Joe's manmade inflation. If you want to see a run for the borders every shopping day, just try and make plastic water bottles illegal in Minnesota. It will be chaos, and give hoarding a whole new dimension.

Every penny in our giant reserve is in real jeopardy right now. The DFL wants to spend all of it, and Taxing Timmy has designs on taxing even some more. Meanwhile, Iowa, the Dakotas, and Wisconsin are on the sidelines clapping and cheering. As Minnesota self destructs even further, the "open for business" signs are popping up all over the lands on the other side of our borders. Does Tim Walz care? Not a bit. He will hose up this state, and then retire back to Nebraska.

One more thing about our esteemed Governor. He has nixed the plan to take the state tax off of Social Security. The irony is, that will affect every senior - Republican, Democrat and Independent. Why is he so hard over on this common sense fix that most states have already addressed? He thinks he is getting back at only Republicans. If I were a Democrat, I would be spitting mad over this one.

Once Walz leaves Minnesota, and the DFL legislators go back to their gulags, Minnesota will be on a trajectory, to be a cold state, with unlivable taxes, and not enough power. We will be a sanctuary city for illegals, abortions up to the 4th trimester, legal pot (and maybe more), no mining, limited farming, and EV cars without enough charging stations. Crime will continue to rule the Twin Cities, and the punishment for most crimes will be a slap on the wrist.

The DFL is a bad car (Tim Walz), now going off the track (DFL). The normals are on the sidelines watching, as the crazies continue to ruin the state. Iowa, the state I once made fun of, is looking better, more and more. So are the Dakotas. Wisconsin? Maybe if they get rid of Tony Evers. But right now I would take the bright red state of Iowa. Close enough to our grandies to keep grandma happy, and far enough from Tim Walz so I don't go broke.  


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