Thursday, March 2, 2023

As the pendulum swings...

"2024 is right around the corner. Will the pendulum be back to at least the middle? Or will it be on the right? Or still mired on the left?" 

My wife reminds me of this often. How in our society, there is a giant pendulum. It swings for politics, morality, and so forth. For reasons I can't explain, our nation's pendulum has taken a huge and unexpected swing to the left in 2020 and 2022. So much so, we are way, way out of balance. Out of whack (so to speak). Like we have been whacked out.

I know, I know. Both Biden and Walz lied to us. Biden told us he would be the "great unifier" and pull this country back together again. Hogwash. He is more of a Bernie than Bernie Sanders is. He lied, "bigly". And Tim Walz, the phony from Nebraska, promised us all a "One Minnesota". BS in capital letters, and lit in neon lights. The only thing "One" he gave us was "One DFL". Again, Walz lied, "bigly". And now our nation's and state's pendulums are stuck in the far left position. But wait - there might be a glimmer of hope in this very dark tale.

Eyes are being opened. Eyes which have been covered with scales, are now recovering. Minds are coming back. Some common sense is starting to once again reappear in the middle and (gasp - dare I say it?) - also on the left.

Glimmers of hope have been seen in once super leftists. Like John Stewart. Or Bill Mahar. Just to name a couple. The left have gone so far to the dark side, that many who have been riding that train, are jumping off. I just saw on the news that a Republican legislator in Florida, is putting forward a bill which would abolish the Democrat Party in Florida. Now, we all know that would never happen. But that is just another example of how the pendulum might be making its journey back to the right.

When my kids were younger, I would tell them you can learn just as much from a bad example as a good one. If it is teacher, boss, or whatever. We can also learn from bad leadership in government. My gosh - if we can't see what is happening right now in our country or state, there is a big problem! The entropy is out in the open, lit in neon lights, for all to see. Biden and Walz are terrible, and those who cannot see that, have large blind spots.

2024 is right around the corner. Will the pendulum be back to at least the middle? Or will it be on the right? Or still mired on the left? If we re-elect Joe Biden for another four years, I will volunteer to SpaceX to be the oldest person to live on the Moon. Or Mars. Or better yet - Beam me up Scotty! I have had it down here!



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