Monday, March 27, 2023

Strength and weakness

"Can this country survive until 2024? Sometimes I wonder. Russia is ready to nuke NATO and us, as they have no fear of us anymore. 'Lead from behind', is the Commies best friend. Meanwhile, our combat troops have been taught which pronouns to use, and how bad MAGA white people are." 

Ronald Reagan always talked about peace through strength. Having a military so strong, so respected, it could maintain the peace without ever having to fire a shot. That worked well until we elected Barack Obama. His mantra was "lead from behind." It was eight years of becoming weaker. Eight years of China, Russia, North Korea and Iran - going to town. But as much as Obama weakened our nation, that was nothing like his former Vice President. We have gone from being the "shining city on the hill", to a doormat.

As I pen this, Kamala Harris is in Africa. Why? Who knows. Maybe to talk to a dirt poor continent about clean energy. Something they cannot afford nor envision. But China has been to Africa - a lot. China has designs on making Africa part of their "Belt and Road" initiative. China wants the Cobalt which is mined in the Congo. Mined by kids in the most abysmal conditions.

China is working on clean energy products so they can turn around and sell them to us - at a profit. As far as China's power concerns, they cannot build coal plants fast enough. Why do they need so many coal plants? They are on the grow. Do they care about the climate? Not a wit.

John Kerry said over the weekend, that Biden is ready to push more unwanted "clean" mandates on us. Why? For his base. Here is the reality - we need energy - now. And we have more energy than anyone. But this President does not want us to use it. He wants us weaker. China gets stronger, and we get weaker. It is part of the deal, folks. 

We need more and better ships for our Navy. We need domestic energy, and lots of it. We need to pull much of what is made in China, back to the United States - now. We do nothing but project weakness, ever since our shame in Afghanistan. Iran is sending drones to attack our troops in Syria. How many attacks? Ever since Biden took office, about 80 attacks. When Iran tried that on Trump, Trump blew up Iran's top general with Hellfire missiles. Not enough left of the general to put in an ashtray. What has Biden done? Sent Iran a nasty letter (so to speak).

Can this country survive until 2024? Sometimes I wonder. Russia is ready to nuke NATO and us, as they have no fear of us anymore. "Lead from behind", is the Commies best friend. Meanwhile, our combat troops have been taught which pronouns to use, and how bad MAGA white people are. 



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