Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Minnesota's mucking fess

"Being a Democrat or Socialist in MN right now, is easy peasy. Whatever you want to do, go do it! Have a blast! If more normals move out of state and take their money with them, who cares? They are no longer wanted nor needed here anyhow. Welcome to our mucking fess. It will only get worse from here."  

I will give the DFL credit for one thing. Thay have gall. They really do feel this past election has made them bullet proof. They can pass any legislation, no matter how wacky, no matter how expensive, and Taxing Timmy will sign it into law. They know all speed bumps have been removed, and with a placid electorate, they can act with impunity and speed. They have taken the light blue state of Minnesota, and made it so dark, dark blue, that only an idiot would want to move here. 

Do I hate these people? No, I don't hate. I have sympathy for those who did not have the foresight to leave with the getting was good. Now those of us who remain - are stuck. First the DFL have secularized this state, and now they will impoverish it. After giving 60,000 felons the right to vote, and with legal voting for illegals right around the corner, MNGOP will not even be able to get a dogcatcher elected. Minnesota will be a permanent gulag for the DFL and worse. It is a state which will soon run out of other people's money, and then start the slow rot to serfdom. 

I heard on the news this morning, that two of the bills being prepped are guaranteed income for poorer folks, and money for homeless youth. There is also talk about reparations for George Floyd's family, along with a public apology. Did I mention there is also a bill to change "pregnant women" to "birthing persons"? One would think that just like with severe drunk, once enough liquor (or in this case, crazy legislation) is consumed. the drunk would become satiated. Nope. Pour that drunk another, please!

Two of our state legislators go to our church. I have the chance to chat with them most every Sunday. How do they look and talk? First off, sometimes they have the "1,000 yard stare", like they have been in a horrible battle. Well, they have. They also sound very defeated when describing the craziness they see each and every day down in St. Paul. As Governor Sanders from Arkansas has recently said, "We no longer have red and blue - we now have normal and crazy". In St. Paul right now, welcome to the world of crazy.

It has been said, we get the government we deserve. The sad part is, most the electorate are either asleep or apathetic. Besides having not enough MNGOP elected to stop this madness, there are no citizens in the streets with pitchforks and torches.

Being a Democrat or Socialist in MN right now, is easy peasy. Whatever you want to do, go do it! Have a blast! If more normals move out of state and take their money with them, who cares? They are no longer wanted nor needed here anyhow. Welcome to our mucking fess. It will only get worse from here.  


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