Thursday, March 23, 2023

What makes a moral nation? A moral state?

"Is our state moral? Is our nation moral? Are many of some of our liberal churches moral? What is the world has happened to us? Can you imagine, fifty years ago, just about any one of these evil bills being brought up by either side of the legislature?"

There is a statement I use for men's ministry within a Bible believing church. Godly men = strong families = stronger churches = a more moral nation. Lord, do we need a more moral nation now! Especially in the once great state of Minnesota. Why? Minnesota has decided to take the secular path, all the way to debauchery. If not allowing abortion up to the point of birth, it is "gender reassignment". In fact, Taxing Timmy and his merry group of secular socialists, want to make Minnesota a mecca for "gender reassignment" surgery. Sick, sicker yet, and sickos all.

Is our state moral? Is our nation moral? Are many of some of our liberal churches moral? What is the world has happened to us? Can you imagine, fifty years ago, just about any one of these evil bills being brought up by either side of the legislature? The person bringing this bill up, would have either been laughed off the floor, or thrown out a window. But today? In our Godless sanctuary called the Twin Cities? Anything goes. Up to the point of the Twin Cities looking more like Sodom and Gomorrah.

Here are the facts of life that many of the remaining normals in Minnesota believe in. First, life is precious. It is a gift from God. Especially the lives of the young. Second, we are all born either male or female. That is a fact. We are born with the "plumbing" we have for a specific reason. That would be reproduction. Duh!  To change that "plumbing" would be abnormal and wrong.

We are so screwed up in this state right now, we still have laws on the books that in order for a minor to get a tattoo, the minor must be of a certain age. But gender mutilation? Come over to Minnesota! We will cut you, and do it legally. Your parents? They will have no say. Only Comrade Walz and this secular socialists will allow this miscarriage of justice. 

What does the Bible say? For starters, Isaiah 5:20 starts out with the following:

Woe to those who call evil good,

and good evil -

who put darkness for light,

and light for darkness -

who put bitter for sweet,

and sweet for bitter.

Minnesota, you better get on the right side of moral issues. You better become more Godly and a whole lot less secular. You seem to have lost your moral compass. Time is not on your side.  



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