Monday, March 6, 2023

Was CPAC a "Trumpfest"?

"How is campaign season going to be this year? Interesting, to say the least. I really don't care who the nominee for our party is right now, so long as he or she can retire Biden. We need our country back. We need the adults in charge again."

Here we are. CPAC is now over. Just like previous years, Donald Trump was the main attraction. How much so? He smoked all the rest, including Ron DeSantis. Was does that mean going forward? If this is going to be a race for the nomination, somebody needs to come forward and "bloody" Don's nose. Right now, I don't see that happening. And if it does not, Don should have a smooth ride to the convention.

How could a twice impeached President have the following that Trump has? Simple answer. The party faithful know that Trump was being railroaded by the left. Even if there was some sparks under the smoke with things Trump has been accused of, the evidence that the "Deep State" was out to get him, obscured any flames or smoke. In going after Trump, the left and the "Deep State" have so overplayed their hands.

Despite his thin skin which has hurt him at times, Donald Trump brings many things to the party. First off, he is fearless. To wade back into the swamp, Donald Trump needs to have ice water running through his veins. And he does. Plus, he has a personal mandate. He feels his job was only half done. If he can have a friendly Congress, maybe he can unscrew many of the things which have been screwed up by others (if you know what I mean). But will Trump lead us into war? Hello? Where do you think we are now?

Here is my one fear however, with a second term of Donald Trump. I think Trump's inability to play with others really hurt him in his first term. Especially, those in his cabinet. I think Trump has the acumen to put this country on the right trajectory, but we need to have much of the background noise due to conflict, eliminated. Full speed ahead with a unified GOP. If not, if we have four more years of bickering and infighting - it is going to be ugly.

If Trump wins the nomination, I will support him fully. However, if I had my choice, I would like DeSantis to have a shot at the job. Like Trump, he is no shrinking violet. Unlike Trump, he has military experience, legal experience, and executive experience from running a large state. And it goes without saying, DeSantis has turned this purple state red. 

How is campaign season going to be this year? Interesting, to say the least. I really don't care who the nominee for our party is right now, so long as he or she can retire Biden. We need our country back. We need the adults in charge again. War is right around the corner, and we need someone who can extinguish the blaze. 


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