Saturday, March 18, 2023

The man who impoverished Minnesota

"As Lady Thatcher said, "Socialism works well, until you run out of other people's money." Minnesota - you are about to run out of other people's money. Then it will be good luck, and good riddance."  

The most common thing I hear from our friends with grandkids is this - "If not for our grandkids living here, we would be so out of here." Amen to that. Minnesota is now dead to most of us normals.

Let there be no doubt on who the guilty party is. The man who took Minnesota from a cold, politically dysfunctional state, to also an impoverished state. I know, I know. Many will say it was more than just him. We had the socialists in the legislature who prepared the bills to be signed, and we had the morons who elected these socialists in the first place. However, these bills would have only been while noise if they had not been signed into law. And that damning piece of evidence, lies squarely on the shoulders of Timothy Walz. 

One of the 7,000 bills the socialists have prepared, was signed into law yesterday. Free breakfast meals and lunches for every school kid, no matter of the need. Why did we need this? Tim Walz wants to be remembered at the Governor who ended child poverty in Minnesota. Obviously, does not know the history of poverty. It has been with us always, and will be until the end of time.

That being said, my wife and I never knew of any impoverished kid growing up. If a kid did not have a lunch, we shared. When my kids were growing up, I would have given up almost everything before I allowed them to go without a meal. All of our friends with kids thought the same.

Note to Tim Walz and the socialists. The way to fix childhood poverty is to first fix irresponsible parents. Too harsh? Sorry. But once you have kids, you have a covenant to care for them. Even up to the inconvenience of self. And to give blanket free stuff to everyone, including those who are already fed three hots in a day, is totally irresponsible. But who cares? None of these people have ever worked for a living. Never had a real job which money mattered. So the bill for this nonsense comes rolling down the hill, to the taxpayers (again).

Some of our churches may be shrinking, but the secular religion of government is growing like a weed. What is the future of Minnesota? Bleak, at best. We will drive out any normals with money, and the crazies who never seem to have any of their own, will be in a world of hurt. 

As Lady Thatcher said, "Socialism works well, until you run out of other people's money." Minnesota - you are about to run out of other people's money. Then it will be good luck, and good riddance.  

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