Saturday, May 20, 2023

Losing the brand

"For normal people today, the brand of Democrat is horrible. In Minnesota, the brand of DFL is obscene. Will Democrats ever be able to get their brand back? Not in our lifetime. Their goose is cooked."

Years ago, I learned how important having a good brand was. No matter what you did for a living, the company or organization you worked for, lived and died by the reputation of their brand. As of late, those lessons which were learned for many, seemed to have been forgotten. Good brands have come and gone. The good brands which have remained good, have not done so by happenstance - it takes hard work and attention to detail. However, once your brand is tarnished, it may be taps for good. A bad brand is like a bad reputation - hard to fix or repair.


Bud Lite - Really? Budweiser? The "King of Beers"? What were they thinking by putting this tranny up as their spokesperson. Putting his/her face on Bud Lite cans? How much damage has been done to Budweiser? Sales are down 25%. Can Budweiser ever come back. Time (and lots of it), will tell.

FBI - When I was young, I watch a show about the FBI on TV. It started Efrem Zimbalist Jr., who was one of my favorite actors. I would think how cool it would be to someday work for the FBI. The FBI had an excellent brand. Today? Wow! What a fall from grace! Many think this organization has become totally corrupt. Some think we should defund it. Others say eliminate it. How is their brand today? Like something you would scrape off your shoe before coming inside.

Minnesota - The land of 10,000 lakes. The land of "sky blue waters". The home of Mary Richards. At one time, the brand of this state, was off the charts good. Maybe too good. We started drinking our own bathwater. Then all of a sudden, the crazies started gaining power. In a state where boring was normal, all of a sudden the Twin Cities started looking more like Sodom and Gomorrah, instead of Minneapolis and St. Paul. What is our brand now? Nothing like what it was. Minneapolis looks and sounds more like Mogadishu than the City of Lakes. Crime is king, normal is bad, and the call to prayer is broadcasted five times a day.

School Board - Wow! As a kid we had the PTA. Parents, Teacher Association. Parents and teachers worked hand in hand to ensure the youngins got the best education possible. School boards had a very good brand back then - as did teachers. Now teacher unions, teachers, school boards, and parents are seldom on the same page. In fact, there is a developing tension between parents, teachers and school boards. The brand of the school board has become so sullied, home schooling and private schooling, are growing rapidly. 

Democrats - The party of the working man. Joe Six Pack. Strong union workers. Although I have never been a Democrat, many in the party had good reputations. For a good part of the country, the brand was strong. And today? They are the party which booed God. They are the party which worships at the alter of abortion. In Minnesota, they are the party who protects pedophiles. For normal people today, the brand of Democrat is horrible. In Minnesota, the brand of DFL is obscene. Will Democrats ever be able to get their brand back? Not in our lifetime. Their goose is cooked.

There are more, but I will stop here. Good brands are hard to develop, and easy to lose (if you are not careful). And my brand? What is that? Very. Angry. Bird. And as a patriot, I am getting more angry all the time. 


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