Saturday, May 27, 2023

Money woes

"As our parents always told us, money does not grow on trees. Money needs to be managed, or you can lose it all. Good counsel. Too bad very few in Washington got the message." 

Do you know what the Fed considers to be an acceptable inflation rate? 2%. We have not had that kind of an inflation rate since Donald Trump was President. And Trump usually beat the 2% mark. We never will get down to 2% so long as  Joe Biden is President. That is a fact. He does not understand our economy. All he understands is the placation of his fringe base of lunatics.

Listening to the debt ceiling negotiation updates, I had a grand idea. If 2% is considered healthy by our Fed for inflation, 2% should be all the national debt should increase every year. Period. So let's do some math. If the national debt ceiling is $31.4T right now, and 2% is all it can increase, next year the debt ceiling should be $31.4T x 1.02 = $32.03. If it were a two year deal, the following year the debt ceiling should be $32.03 x 1.02 = $32.67.

What do you think will be agreed to on the two year debt limit increase? 2% a year? No flipping way that will happen. BTW - one of the untold stories is this. As Biden and his socialists have been spending money cash over fist on pixie dust, unicorns and fairies, our DOD has slid further and further behind in the arms race with China. We have sent so very much stuff over to Ukraine, it has left our ammo cupboards a bit empty. Like almost bare. To replenish them to allow us to become a legit deterrent to China should they invade Taiwan, will take time and money - and lots of money.

If you think the commies are howling like dog with his paw in a beartrap, just wait. When we need to cut more of Biden's prized social programs to buy more bullets, that is when the REAL howling with start. And what if we don't? And instead we say, "Tough toenails Taiwan - you are on your own"? Here is the long and the short of it. Since Taiwan makes over 90% of the super chips, which now go into just about everything, the outcome could be bad. It Taiwan is lost to Red China, and Red China decides to put the screws to us, we will be up a creek without a paddle. Besides all of which, none of our allies in the region will ever trust us again.

Want to talk about money woes? We have them. Many like Chuck Schumer refuse to believe it, and keep spending like a drunken sailor. But the Freedom Caucus knows this. Not many, if any, in the Democrat Party know this. What is my point? The stork dance we are seeing in Washington right now is only the beginning. Things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get better. 

As our parents always told us, money does not grow on trees. Money needs to be managed, or you can lose it all. Good counsel. Too bad very few in Washington got the message. 

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