Saturday, May 13, 2023

Where will they go? What will they do?

"For those who were cowed into voting for Joe Biden, we are reaping what you have sown. Chaos, inflation, wars, crime, entropy. To make matters worse, it is becoming more and more evident that not only is Biden feeble and incompetent, he is also corrupt. He is truly, the Manchurian Candidate."  

Welcome to America! I know, I know - it was a tough journey. But you were invited here. By Joe Biden. I heard him say so when he was a candidate. And he made good on that promise. He has eviscerated our southern border, to make it easy for you. Biden made sure the news went out far and wide. COME TO AMERICA! Land of milk and honey! The flow started with Mexicans, and then the Triangle Countries. Then South America. Then China. Then Russia. Soon there were illegals coming from over 100 countries, all trying to take advantage of Uncle Joe's invite.

And now that Title 42 is history, more are coming. But there is a small, vexing problem that Uncle Joe did not envision. NIMBY. That means, "Not in my back yard." More and more do not want these mostly illiterate immigrants living in their orbit.

This morning on the news, they were interviewing some black folks from Chicago. These people were hopping mad, that their neighborhoods were becoming stuffed with bussed in immigrants. "Why should they take advantage of the services we pay taxes on? Why should they go to our schools, that we support?" Many good questions. And the NGOs are about full up - everywhere. So - where will they go? What will they do?

Here is the sad but true reality. Most, not all, coming to our borders are poor folks, who paid their life's savings to crooked cartel members just to get them here. Many have zero marketable skills, and very sketchy English. A small percentage have skills which we can use. Some know how to pick vegetables. However, most of the estimated 5 million illegals which have made it over the border under Biden, will not be able to make enough money to live on in our inflated economy. Then what will they do?

I am going to go out on a limb here, and make a prediction. Most of these immigrants will be "one off" types. Not citizens, but not returnable to where they came from either. Where will they live? The federal government made this mess, so they will need to clean it up. The government will need to put them in make shift reservations, like they did with the Native Americans. These people will live in poverty, like many Native Americans do. But unlike Native Americans, the illegals are not stake holders in our country - they are uninvited guests. The squaller they will live in, will be similar to the squaller they left in their home countries.

Some bleeding hearts will want our government to spend hundreds of billions to assimilate these folks into somewhere. But that will not happen. Not enough tea in China. We are broke. Our debt is almost $32T, and show no signs of slowing down. And remember NIMBY. The dream, the vision, of living the Ozzie and Harriet life in America, will end up being just that - a dream. And the dream will become a nightmare for many of them. 

Joe Biden has wondered out loud what his legacy will be. One needs to look no further than the chaos on the southern border to see part of that legacy. To get more Democrat votes, he has ruined countless lives. Put a dent in our country which may not be repairable. 

For those who were cowed into voting for Joe Biden, we are reaping what you have sown. Chaos, inflation, wars, crime, entropy. To make matters worse, it is becoming more and more evident that not only is Biden feeble and incompetent, he is also corrupt. He is truly, the Manchurian Candidate.  

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