Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Tyranny now, anarchy next

"Why anarchy? Mandated EVs. No gas ranges. No more normal air conditioners. No more normal dishwashers. The list goes on and on. All crap not one of us voted for. Crap being shoved down our throats. Enough already!" 

It is amazing, is it not? How much power we have ceded into a diminished President and foot loose Governor? For over two years now, Joe Biden has been ruining our great country. With hundreds of his brainwashed minions in the House, Senate, and staff positions - Biden Inc, has been operating at full tilt. And now that the Republicans have FINALLY taken back Congress, this Biden juggernaut shows no signs of containment. 

In Minnesota, there is no Republican speed bump anymore, to put a muzzle on Tim Walz. Our state government has a trifecta of power. As the rest of us normals are relegated to sit back and watch, Walz Inc. had morphed our midwestern mecca into a gulag. And with the legislation which has just been passed on voting rights, it appears that Republicans have seen their last majority in anything. All that can be said is, sine die.

This week, the dam might break loose. As Chairman Comer recently said, "This is going to be a very bad week for Joe Biden." And all the Chairman was talking about, was the House investigation into the Biden crime family. Comer thinks all the right pieces are in place, with the right witnesses ready to testify, backed up with immutable proof, to put the last  nail in the coffin. But there is more.

On Thursday morning, with Title 42 goes bye bye, the southern border is going to look like nothing short of a full out invasion of America. And who is responsible for this mess? Joe Biden. Our national tyrant. Then to top things off, the debt ceiling negotiations commence this week. All indications are for total failure. Biden will refuse to give up one cent of of the massive debt he burdened us with. So, hello default.

With the tyranny of America as well as Minnesota becoming more and more apparent, what is next? People can only feel helpless for so long, before the next logical step happens. What step is that? Anarchy. Why anarchy? Mandated EVs. No gas ranges. No more normal air conditioners. No more normal dishwashers. The list goes on and on. All crap not one of us voted for. Crap being shoved down our throats. Enough already! 

Buckle up this week folks. It might be a bumpy ride. For those who have always wonder what tyranny feels like, need wonder no more. For those who wonder what total anarchy will look like, be patient. It is only a matter of time. 

1 comment:

  1. Some of us may then be able to set up our own little monarchies...
