Thursday, May 18, 2023

Minnesota's Jackass Party

"We get the government we voted for. Uninformed and cowed minions voting for unqualified representatives to populate the Jackass Party. Good luck to the people in this sad sack of a state. It once was a good place to live."

The cheering and applause are deafening. Many, many happy people close by. They are excited about all the bass awkward and nut ball legislation which has been passed and signed into law this session. Who are clapping about this mess? Kristi Noem. Kim Reynolds. Gregg Abbot. Ron DeSantis. Just to name a few. Tim Walz and his minions in the MN House and Senate can sit back in glory and know that their mission was accomplished. Minnesota is now as bad as New York and California. Yea!

This year, we have now seen what happens when the speed bumps are taken out of government. We have watched in amusement, as New York and California have slowly devoured themselves. But each state is a long, long distance from us. Now we have allowed this circus to happen here. Why? Abortion. Donald Trump. Blue kool aid. We have a whole bunch of very foolish people in this state, who are such Yellow Dogs, they will vote for the Jackass Party, no matter who is running.

We have taken the road to total debauchery. We have passed Sodom and Gomorrah, like they were standing still. Even though it has been proven many times, there is zero correlation between education spending and results. As one non-kool aid drinking black leader said - "To fix education, you first must fix the black family. Until we do that, spending more on education is throwing good money after bad."

Now we cannot discriminate against pedophiles, people who practice bestialities, and (hold tight for this one) -  infant pedophilia. Throw all that in with abortion on demand up until birth, and gender mutilation, and you have one sick state. One sick state, created by the Jackass Party, voted in by some of the dumbest voters in the nation. The normals, who still live in this state, can only hide in their foxholes and shake their heads in disbelief. Many have PTSD from this despicable excuse for legislation. 

On final word. Last Sunday, a priest at one of the larger parishes in the Twin Cities, addressed politics. He addressed the crap which was passed and then signed into law. How do I know? I listened to his sermon online. He pulled no punches. He called it for what it was. Much of what was passed was evil. Not Godly at all. Amen Father, amen to that.

We get the government we voted for. Uninformed and cowed minions voting for unqualified representatives to populate the Jackass Party. Good luck to the people in this sad sack of a state. It once was a good place to live. Now it is turning into something out of an "X" rated movie. 


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