Thursday, May 25, 2023

Missing the Target

"Know this however. Satan is prowling amongst us like a lion, looking to devour. Those who don't believe it or scoff, will be the most vulnerable." 

Question: What are the most profane initials in our lexicon? SOB? STFU? GAF? Oh, there are others I could name. Or - are the most profane initials in our lexicon ESG? ESG has my vote a hundred times over. Why? Because they are evil for what they have done to our country. They have caused Budweiser to self destruct. Caused Black Rock to be held in low esteem. Caused most of the commercials we see on TV these days to be unwatchable. Why? It is shoved down our throats. Even some of the TV shows and movies have an ESG tint in them. 

But Target? For the love of Mike, are your eyes shut and your antennas down? Did they not see how Dylan what's his/her last name, took Budweiser stock down 25%? And Target, who is your designer for youngins clothes to celebrate transmutilation? Some are saying it is a young man who is an active satanist. If that is true Target, have you lost your bleeping mind? I worked on the Target Account when I was with IBM. That was almost 25 years ago. Target was very "buttoned down" and anxious to "beat the street". If someone had suggested some of these ESG scams to Target management at that time, they would have been thrown out the window like a frisbee.

Target, under the guise of ESG, has allowed evil, pure evil to enter the confine. Why? Because Satan will take a lie, shine it up to look like truth, and present it to us. But it is still a lie. That is what Satan is doing with trans, LBTP (whatever), and ESG. Target has fallen under the spell of the evil one, and we cannot take the bait. We need to treat Target like the poison fruit that it is. 

This is short one today, as I am still recovering from my oral surgery. Know this however. Satan is prowling amongst us like a lion, looking to devour. Those who don't believe it or scoff, will be the most vulnerable. If you are not in a Bible teaching church right now, JOIN! The battle is real, and the evidence is all around us.   

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