Thursday, October 12, 2023

Once again, evil stalks the land


"It was reported on the news this morning that this attack took two years to plan. The monsters of Gaza knew exactly what they were doing. If they could have killed every Jew in Israel, they would have done it."

This past week, many of us have seen the carnage left behind by the monstrous terror attack in Israel - and went numb. Why? This type of evil is unheard of in today's world. But what is evil? It is Satan, convincing many in Gaza that nothing was out of bounds. That would include decapitating infants. It would include shooting many victims so many times in the face, it made identification impossible without a DNA lab. It is burning people alive, when they were screaming for mercy.

And now comes the improbable, bordering on the impossible. A United States Senator, who is Jewish (Bernie Sanders), came out publicly yesterday worrying more about the citizens of Gaza. Worrying about them more than the 1,200 innocent souls who were butchered by citizens of Gaza. When I heard that, it brought to mind was WWII. How many innocent civilians died (like in the firebombing of Dresden) just because they allowed thugs and terrorists to run their government.

If Sanders was our president during WWII, we would all be speaking German or Japanese right now. Bottom line? There is a price to pay, when you practice benign neglect over how your government treats other nations. Especially in terrorism. In the eyes of Israel right now, Gaza housed monsters. Gaza deserves no quarter.

It was reported on the news this morning that this attack took two years to plan. The monsters of Gaza knew exactly what they were doing. If they could have killed every Jew in Israel, they would have done it. The fact some Americans died in the mix, well, that was just a bonus for them.

Currently, the IDF has over 300,000 soldiers massed on the Gaza border. It reminds me of those six months of Desert Shield before it the battle started in Desert Storm. The "Mother of All Battles", according to Sadam Hussien, turned out to be a rout by the coalition. During those six months of Desert Shield, much good planning took place. That paid off nicely in Desert Storm

When the time is right, Israel will go into Gaza. It will be tough; it will be bloody. From the mouth of Bibi - "Every person who participated in the attack is a dead man." That would be including the ones who videotaped the butchery. The other Arab countries may not like this, but that is tough toenails. 

Sometimes there is redemption for a person or people who participate in evil acts. Other times, the evil is so viral, so repugnant, that evil must be ripped out by the roots. The battle for Gaza will be just that. Ripping evil out by the roots. Do I feel sorry for the monsters and evil doers who beheaded babies in their cribs? Do I feel bad the IDF will end them? I feel bad they allowed evil into their lives. The principalities of darkness took hold of them and directed their evil journey into Israel.

Will there be redemption for the monsters of Gaza? Only God can forgive them now - that is, if they truly repent.    

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of the Patton quote: "May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't."
