Friday, November 24, 2023

Deep in the land of stupid...

"Meanwhile, certain free countries such as ours, are witnessing many inexplicable demonstrations against Israel, the victim. Only in the land of stupid can this make any sense whatsoever."

It always hurts when I have to call some of my fellow countrymen (and women) - stupid. But here I am again, ready to hurl that moniker as well as maybe an invective or two in the direction of mind numbed robots our government schools have created. Yesterday is another example of what is happening deep in the land of our stupid.

It has been about seven weeks since the gruesome raid in Israel. In those short seven weeks, the idiots from our academia have managed to turn everything upside down. For reasons unbeknown to us normal folks, these brainwashed kids are now thinking (and protesting) that Israel is at fault for over 1,000 of its citizens being butchered or kidnaped. In fact, these morons are so insistent this is the way it happened, that it was 100% Israel's fault, they disrupted the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade yesterday. A parade for young kids. These morons even tried to glue themselves to the street to keep the floats and balloons from passing by.

Today the hostage swap is due to start. It is mostly a one-way street, favoring Hamas. But here is the reason why Israel (with the help of Biden) agreed to such a crappy deal. We are going to trade 50 innocent Israeli citizens who were stolen from their land, in exchange for 150 Hamas criminals. And during this "pause" of four days to make this swap, Hamas fighters are going to re-arm and re-position themselves. Now the reason - Hamas Muslims don't cherish life. Many welcome deaths and the 74 virgins which are waiting for them. The Israelis and Americans do cherish life. Life is so sacred to us, that we are willing to trade 150 criminals for 50 innocents. The life of each of those innocents is that precious.

Meanwhile, certain free countries such as ours, are witnessing many inexplicable demonstrations against Israel, the victim. Only in the land of stupid can this make any sense whatsoever. But these youth are our offspring. While we were sleeping, we allowed government institutions of learning to poison their minds. To change their past and taint their future. 

Welcome to our dystopian reality. This is not a book nor a movie - it is real life. In the near future, these gutless and clueless kids will be running the country. America, the proud and brave, will soon be known as America, the land of the stupid. We did this. We allowed it. Now our seed corn is spoiled. This is our dystopian, and grim, reality.


1 comment:

  1. "Only in the land of stupid can this make any sense whatsoever."

    Once results from our 2018 elections came in, I decided to call this state Minnestupid.

    "In the near future, these gutless and clueless kids will be running the country."

    Not necessarily. It seems some of them are already receiving payback for their illogic. Word is some big bank canceled planned interviews with certain of these dopes. A lot more of this could deprive stupid radicals of the nice careers they may have anticipated.
