Monday, November 6, 2023

That Hiding Biden returns!

"Why is Biden hiding? He has found out this dream job, the one he wanted his entire life, is not what he expected. In other words, 'Hawaii is not like the brochure'. But Biden is stuck with this job, and we are stuck with him for another year and change. Yikes..."

Let's see - how did this weekend go? The ire of the hard left is aimed like a cruise missile at our current president. HE IS A TRAITOR TO THE CAUSE! One of the chants at the protest at the White House was "Biden, Biden, you can't hide, you are committing genocide". Whoa! What? Uncle Joe, committing genocide? How about "Allah Akbar, F**k Biden!" Who was doing this? The Proud Boys? The Oath Keepers? MAGA Republicans? Nope. Antifa and BLM, all dressed up like Palestinians.

I will now sound like Biden's happy and gay press secretary. "Let me be clear." The world is on fire right now, and where is Uncle Joe? Hiding. At his beach house. You mean, he is not confronting these protesters to set them straight? Nope. He is scared shipless. But Joe will emerge today. To address this issue? Oh, heck no! He is going to discuss "Biden-omics" (whatever that is). He is going to authorize billions more to go into our rail system. Even though Congress holds the purse, Biden thinks he can play Santa Clause.

Joe needs to push his economic program, just in case he runs for re-election. By the way, how is it going? First off, new polls show Biden sinking faster than the Titanic after hitting the iceberg. He is trailing Trump many battleground states that Biden won last time around. In Nevada, he is behind Trump by 10 points! Wow! And by the way - most Americans HATE this Biden-omics crapola. 

What is Biden to do? All of a sudden, he is worse than toxic. Even Bobby Jr. is looking better than Biden right now. And Bobby Jr. is running as an independent. No, Biden's biggest enemy is his performance. He has NOTHING to run on. He is not a peacetime president. He has taken us from peace to inches from a world war. He has ruined our immigration system by making a mockery of it. Inflation is back with a vengeance. Interest rates are sky high, and buying a house these days is next to impossible. 

Why is Biden hiding? He has found out this dream job, the one he wanted his entire life, is not what he expected. In other words, "Hawaii is not like the brochure". But Biden is stuck with this job, and we are stuck with him for another year and change. Yikes...


1 comment:

  1. Unless, of course, he expires, retires, or is otherwise removed.
