Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Lessons learned?

"This nation, which once referred to abortions as "rare", have made abortions into a form of birth control. It has become a legal matter instead of a moral matter. Many churches are now afraid to bring it up from the pulpit."

It happened again. Abortion rights, upset the apple cart. Many moderates are steaming mad at the Republican base. "Did not we learn our lesson after the 2022 election? The red wave which turned into only a red trickle?" Well, no - many of us did not. The lesson we learned was a different one than the lesson the party in general learned. Is the sanctity of innocent life more important than politics? For many Christians it is. It is the hill worth dying on. And there is the rub.

What have we learned from the Dobbs Decision? The one which abrogated the Roe Decision in the Supreme Court? Those that thought it would put an end to abortion in this country were wrong. Putting it back on the states has only localized it more than Roe did. Even though Virginia went redder during the past election due to the bullying of government education, much of that was undone in this election due to abortion rights. Virginia, which some saw having a red legislature and red governor, only now has the red governor. 

This nation, which once referred to abortions as "rare", have made abortions into a form of birth control. It has become a legal matter instead of a moral matter. Many churches are now afraid to bring it up from the pulpit. What if it drives people out? What if it hurts our numbers? So, we just won't mention it. It will remain the 600 lb. elephant in the room.

Many conservatives who rally against abortion, are now looked upon as neanderthals or troglodytes. I mean come on man! It is only a lump of tissue which is being removed! Even our very "religious" president has changed his opinion on abortion. "Let er rip! First trimester or third, it does not matter!" Net result? We have over 63 million dead babies since 1973 in the United States alone. We were shocked and appalled to see how newborn babies were mutilated in Israel during the attack. Seeing how a living baby is aborted is also shocking. The movie Unplanned showed us that much.

Until our nation gets a recalibration on the moral issue of abortion, this political trend will continue. The choice for the Republicans is simple - either "join the crowd" and close your eyes on the murder of innocents or stiffen your spines and stand tall to call abortion what it is. There is no equivocation on abortion - it is very binary. Morally, it is right or wrong. Legally? Depends on which state you live in.

This election is now over, and the losers can lick their wounds and do a lessons learned. Will abortion play a role in the 2024 election? Count on it. Will it once again hurt the Republicans? Probably. Maybe the choice is this simple - stand with God's law or stand with man's law. That is for each of us to decide.      

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