Friday, April 5, 2024

So, what IS America thinking these days?

"But what is America really thinking? About politics? Please go with me on this one, as there is no embellishment. In the 8 or so states we were in, we saw numerous Trump signs up, and ZERO Biden signs. Okay - that is not true. We saw some 'Let's go Brandon' bumper stickers, as well as some other signs about Biden which I cannot repeat on this site. Why? Family friendly." 

My wife and I just returned from an almost two-week trip down to Florida. We drove the entire way, as I love to see the great country we live in. When I was in the work a day world, I traveled a bunch, but most of what I saw were clouds from the top down. Now that I am retired, I love doing the hi-ways and bi-ways. Love chatting with the folks. 

What did I learn? In 2017, my wife and I went down to central Nebraska to see the totality of that eclipse. Was it worth it? The entire experience was surreal. Would I do it again? As much as I enjoyed it, probably not. I had my chance, as yesterday we were in Cape Girardeau, MS. That is one of the "100%" places to see the eclipse. But we declined.

In 2017, the eclipse event was a circus until after it was over. Then it was a nothing burger. This year's eclipse is supposed to be about a minute longer for the totality, and a better stretch to view it. How big a deal is this year's event going to be? Some of the governors of states which will have totality have declared an emergency. Why? Too many people expect to swarm on them. Give me a break...

But what is America really thinking? About politics? Please go with me on this one, as there is no embellishment. In the 8 or so states we were in, we saw numerous Trump signs up, and ZERO Biden signs. Okay - that is not true. We saw some "Let's go Brandon" bumper stickers, as well as some other signs about Biden which I cannot repeat on this site. Why? Family friendly. 

These were not the elite folks who live in "The City" (NYC), or the California snobs. These were hard working folks who build and define America. They don't go to fund raisers for Biden at $100,000 a ticket. They don't pay even more for that to see a couple of past users to the White House. No, for Donald Trump, they throw in $5, $10, $20, or maybe even $100, to get some sanity back into our country. And they hang their banners on their land. For all to see.

One final note. Pastor Jeffers was on TV Easter morning. He was asked about Biden signing a proclamation making 3/31/2024 a "Trans Visibility Day". The pastor, who was very upset rarely gets political, said this - "We need Donald Trump in the While House as he understands our faith, as Biden does not.'" Enough said? This is what America is thinking these days. 

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