Saturday, April 20, 2024

The student loan fiasco

"Remember one thing. Many kids who go to college do it the right way. On the other hand, there are elitest kids who go to private colleges like Columbia, Cornell, Harvard and others, who run up all kinds of debt while becoming America haters. Then once graduated, they pee and moan about their debt (and their worthless degree), and how it is not fair. Well, cry me a river."

The Minneapolis Fed Chief was on one of the business channels yesterday. Topic? Why, the economy of course. What part of the economy? Rate hikes (or rate reductions). Seems the Administration has been spreading some Garp that rate cuts are on the horizon. Really? With the inflation rate still above 3%? That was news to the Fed Chief from Minneapolis. Biden's henchmen (and Yellen), may want the new norm for inflation to be 3%, but the Fed is saying "Not so fast."

The stubborn question was then asked by the host. How can we bring the inflation rate down another point? The Fed Chief from Minneapolis was very clear. To get inflation down to an acceptable rate (2% or less), we need to cut back on government spending. THAT is what has fueled much of our inflation.

Hold on to your hats. Since taking office, Joe Biden has forgiven $144 billion in student loans. That was kind of him to make that money go away for our hard-working students. But wait - it did not go away. It was only transferred to the taxpayers. And since none the taxpayers needed to write out a check on the spot - it was just put on the tab. In other words - added to our enormous debt. 

Come on Bird! Are you that cold hearted? Nope. But the Supreme Court already told Uncle Joe this was illegal. And Biden did it anyway. Why? Votes. And he does not care about this Trump manufactured Supreme Court. So, he gave the "Trump court" his middle finger and did it anyhow. Drove the debt up more. Drove the inflation up more. Kept interest rates high.

Remember one thing. Many kids who go to college do it the right way. On the other hand, there are elitest kids who go to private colleges like Columbia, Cornell, Harvard and others, who run up all kinds of debt while becoming America haters. Then once graduated, they pee and moan about their debt (and their worthless degree), and how it is not fair. Well, cry me a river. It is only a vote selling dolt like Biden who would fall for this crap. Now we, the America lovers, are stuck with the bill. 

Nice going Joe. You have really screwed things up (again). Now just go back to your beach house, take a long nap, and let Donald Trump fix your mess.  

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