Monday, April 15, 2024

Whither the UN? Or is the UN withered?

"By the way - if things start going crazy over there, be ready to pay more at the pump. This regional conflict could become global quicker than one could say, 'Corn Pop'. In any event, stay tuned, stay alert, and bunker up."   

This weekend on the news, an international law expert was interviewed. She was asked about the function of the UN in resolving the Israel/Iran dispute. Her response? The UN might as well go lie down in a ditch, for all the good it does these days. With "stoppers" like Russia and China on the UN Security Council, using their often used "no vote", going through the UN is like whistling past the graveyard. A total waste of time. The United Nations has now gone the same way of the League of Nations - totally irrelevant.

What the UN should be doing, is sanctioning Iran and then condemning them in the most aggressive manner. But they will not. Besides, China and Russia will not allow it. In the past, when the UN decided to lay down on the job and do nothing, the US would come in and be the sheriff. But under Biden, the only "sheriffing" we know how to do, is to say, "Don't". Does that scare you? Me neither.

Here is the long and short of it. Since the UN has become as useless as a screen door on a submarine, and the US under Biden is just about as bad, it will be up to Israel to punch this bully (Iran) in the nose. Either that, or kick Iran about six inches below their belt.

If Bibi was asking me what I would do, I would tell him to respond in kind. The Iranians shot just over 300 drones and missiles at Israel. I say, do the same to them. Joe "the pussycat" does not want any United States fingerprints on this return volley. Why? Joe is chicken. He is harder on Israel than he is on Iran. That is wrong. As Senator Kennedy from Louisianna recently said - "Biden needs to go on Amazon and buy a spine online." 

I said this yesterday. Iran crossed the red line of Israel. They would be lucky if Israel did not nuke them in return. Why a nuke? Any one of the missiles shot from Iran could have been tipped with either a low-grade nuke or a "dirty bomb". Former ambassador Bolton thinks the Israelis should take out Iran's nuclear program. I am up for that. At least take out Kharg Island. Screw up their oil shipments. Hit them in their cash register. 

By the way - if things start going crazy over there, be ready to pay more at the pump - and then get prepared. This regional conflict could become global quicker than one could say, "Corn Pop". In any event, stay tuned, stay alert, and bunker up.   

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