Thursday, April 18, 2024

The other "Joe"

"Every night on the news, social disruption is on display. Flags being burned, violence going unpunished, and parts of our heritage vandalized. I, like many, ask the same question. "Why can't the government do something?" Then it dawns on many - the government might want it this way."

Ready to get in the "way back" machine? In 1970, there was kind of a cult film released simply called Joe. Relax - this had movie had nothing to do with Joe Biden. It was about a simple American guy named Joe, who was living the American dream. He was an executive at an advertising company and had a nice house in the burbs. Sounds good, right? Not so fast.

Seems Joe's daughter got wrapped up with some counterculture lifestyle types. In fact, she moved in with her drug dealing, hippie boyfriend. After she overdosed and almost died, Joe went crazy. He blamed this band of hippies she was involved with. To make a long story short, this well to do executive, turned into a mass murderer when he killed all the hippies in the group. Why? He had reached the boiling point. He could take no more.

Back to today. I know most if not all, have noticed what is going on these days. Crime with no punishment; protests in the streets; anarchy; illegal immigration invasion; flag burning, and so forth. In other words, the United States of America, is a mess. What keeps me up at night? "Joe". Not Joe Biden, although he keeps me upset, most of the day. I am worried about a modern day "Joe". Some red-blooded American, who has never been in trouble, who had seen and heard enough. "If the government can't fix this, then I can!"

What we saw on January 6th a few years back, was the first sign of some "Joes". People just acted out in total frustration. Nobody was killed (except by the government), and after the protest, Biden's government went after these "Joes" hammer and tong. Heavy prison time for hundreds of them. It was a sad end to a sad event in America.

But what happened on January 6th, might have only been a prelude. Every night on the news, social disruption is on display. Flags being burned, violence going unpunished, and parts of our heritage vandalized. I, like many, ask the same question. "Why can't the government do something?" Then it dawns on many - the government might want it this way. Obama did, and maybe Biden does also. Social entropy might bring about social change. What kind of social change? Socialism. Pure and simple.

Right now, the America we love is a ticking time bomb. Ready to explode. We have a blatant two-tiered system of justice. Don't believe it? Just look at how Donald Trump is being treated as compared to Hunter Biden. How dangerous is it outside right now? Dangerous enough to stay inside, well hidden in the family bunker. 

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