Friday, May 17, 2024

Canada and Sweden - NATO's bookends

"In any event, if Canada wants to become relevant again, the first thing they need to do is get rid of Trudeau. Get someone in charge who understands the current world view. Danger is lurking in Europe as well as the Pacific. Do we need Canada these days? Maybe - but they sure need us. Time to wake up and smell the coffee Canada. Your time may be short." 

New flash - NATO is on the grow. Many of us can thank Vladimir Putin for that fact. When he invaded Ukraine for no good reason whatsoever, it sent shivers up and down many unaligned countries in Europe. It brought Sweden into the mix. Many have looked upon Sweden as being the perfect type of country to join NATO. Great military, and already spending the required 2% of GDP on defense. Both Finland and Sweden were excellent additions to the already strong NATO. But are all countries in NATO strong?

As good as Sweden was to get into NATO, is as bad as Canada is right now. In canoe language, Canada is a "duffer" - a "free rider". How good is Canada's military right now? Horrible. Trudeau (sometimes referred to as Casto's kid), has been the consummate progressive in making Canada a defense patsy. Their plan should they be invaded? Yell help so loud, that we in the USA can hear them. 

Canada is one of the founding members of NATO. Hard to believe right now. The current military (if we can call it that) in Canada is in shambles. Much of the weaponry and equipment is way below standard. Much is unusable. And what if war breaks out in Europe, and the clarion call goes out for help? About half of the equipment set aside by Canada for the defense of Europe is unusable. And with only 1.38% of Canada's GDP set aside for defense spending, that will not make much of a splash in getting this fixed.

A bit of personal history. I worked with some of the Candian Forces when I was on active duty. Nice guys, and well trained. But they were different. After active duty, when I was still in the Naval Reserve and working for a defense contractor, I negotiated two different deals with the Canadians. Both were for some equipment on their Candian Patrol Frigate Program. Compared to what I was used to negotiating with the US Navy, these two deals were paltry. But to the Canadians, they were like the biggest deals in the world. The picture below is the US and Canadian teams after conclusion of the second negotiation. Two tough summers negotiating these deals - one in Toronto and the other in Quebec.

In any event, if Canada wants to become relevant again, the first thing they need to do is get rid of Trudeau. Get someone in charge who understands the current world view. Danger is lurking in Europe as well as the Pacific. Do we need Canada these days? Maybe - but they sure need us. Time to wake up and smell the coffee Canada. Your time may be short. 


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