Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Chicago RED!

"In other words, it is long past time. For those who have woken up - welcome. For those who are not yet awake - slumber time is over. For those who are 'woke' - stay asleep, for we don't need nor want you."  

Heard of Chicago Red? Hint: It is not related to any of the Dick Wolf supershows Chicago PD, Chicago Fire, or Chicago Med. Chicago Red is not even a TV show. And it is not a tennis shoe. Then what the heck is it? Quite simply this - a bunch of former lifelong Chicago Democrats, many of whom are black, finally figuring out the Democrat Party has used them for generations. The Chicago Democrat machine does not give two hoots and a holler for any of Chicago poorest residence - except for when there is an election. That is when the promising and codling comes in.

Chicago Red is an ad hoc organization of Chicago residents who have had it. The are called Chicago Red not because red is the color of emergency (maybe it could be) - they are called Chicago Red as these committed citizens really want to turn Chicago red. Why? They are tired being used. They are tired of playing second fiddle to illegals. They are tired of the runaway crime. The constant corruption. 

Something which really sticks in the craw of many Democrat citizens, is the "newbies" (illegals) have received $1B in benefits since coming to Chicago. Meanwhile, the poverty and misery in the inner city for the long-term residence have stayed the same. When the citizens complain about this to the Chicago machine, all they get is pablum and sophistic BS for an answer. Meanwhile, the beat goes on.

The hopes and the prayers of many Republicans might soon be answered. We have known the Democrats (especially the Chicago Machine) have used and abused their citizens. Now it is payback time. This election year, which promises to be very close, might just slip away from Biden due to the misuse and abuse of citizens by the Chicago Machine. 

In other words, it is long past time. For those who have woken up - welcome. For those who are not yet awake - slumber time is over. For those who are "woke" - stay asleep, for we don't need nor want you.  


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