Monday, May 13, 2024

Joe's world (strange) view

"IF the Presidental debates take place, I can't wait until Joe tells his first whopper in front of Doanld Trump. Unlike the lap dog media, Trump will not let Joe's lies pass. No way, Jose! Trump will mop the floor with Joe Biden." 

Everyone is still talking about the Erin Burnett interview on CNN. She had Joe Biden all to herself. She did challenge Joe a couple of times, but she missed the "big show". And what was Biden's "big show"? Joe coming into office and with inflation raging at 9%. And how Joe tamed the inflation from 9% down to 3.5%. Even though the truth is simply this (and it has been fact checked many times) - inflation when Biden took office was a paltry 1.4%. The 9.1% happened a year and half into Joe's presidency.

What is it about the truth that escapes Joe Biden? Is it that he is a liar, or is it dementia? Or is it a world view that Joe Biden wishes was reality. Kind of like the often-told story of that old racist Corn Pop. Or when Joe stood at ground zero the day after the 9/11 attack. Or when his uncle crashed on some South Pacific Island in WWII and was eaten by cannibals.

What is Joe Biden good at? Mega-donors. He is meeting with some of his Hollywood elites this week. Keep that war chest growing. Meanwhile, Donald Trump who has been tied up day after day with the Deep State in kangaroo court, somehow managed to have a rally this weekend in the blue state of New Jersey. Estimates are that close to 100,000 people attended this rally! Trump's position? Every state is in play. New Jersey, New York, or Minnesota. He is not going to cede ANY state to the Biden train wreck.

Here is what I think about Biden's mega donor fund raising. What does he need that money for? More airtime to tell his lies? Trump's truth will not take that much airtime. Trump will have enough money to be very effective.  

IF the Presidental debates take place, I can't wait until Joe tells his first whopper in front of Doanld Trump. Unlike the lap dog media, Trump will not let Joe's lies pass. No way, Jose! Trump will mop the floor with Joe Biden. If Joe wants to start throwing stats around, Mr. Trump will be all the willing to entertain that conversation. Why? Donald Trump has the truth on his side. Joe only has his fantasy view. 

Joe Biden will always be remembered for many things. Truth is not one of them. His corruption? That is a story for another day.



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