Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Less strategic reserve; more student loan forgiveness

"A hundred years from now, ... historians will be reading about the period of 2020 to 2024 in total disbelief. How could America, a first world country, the best nation on Earth, elect two dolts like Joe and Kamala to run (ruin) this country? HOW? But we did, and now we need to hire our builder and fixer once again to Make America Great Again."  

The world's greatest panderer in chief is at it again. Nobody in the history of time, is better at the "art of the pander" than Joe Biden is. Donald Trump may have written the book, "The Art of the Deal", but Biden could also write a similar book on pandering. What brings this up this morning? Let's investigate...

Fresh off the campaign trail of groveling at the commencement address at Morehouse College (the one where he told black graduates they have "no chance in modern day America"), Uncle Joe is at it again. After being told by the Supreme Court in no uncertain terms that forgiving student loans is not within his purview or authority, Biden gave the court his middle finger and did it again. This time for just under ten billion dollars of loan forgiveness. Again, who pays?  We do - via our ever-increasing national debt.

Yesterday, before the big rains came, I was out doing errands. I was shocked to see the price at the pump go from $3.08 up to $3.44 in just a day or two. What is our panderer going to do to help bring these prices back down before the busy summer schedule starts? Drill more? NEVER! He will take another million or so barrels of oil out of our strategic reserves. You know, the reserve we keep only for national emergencies. I guess Biden thinks his re-election is one of those national emergencies.

The "adult in the room", as Joe Biden likes to refer to himself as, is acting like a spoiled rich kid. His demolition of this great country continues. Why? It is all for him (and Dr. Jill). But what about his Veep? She is busy being on talk shows telling the uninformed masses that people should "kick the f***ing door down if they need to". Atta girl Kamala! Do you eat with that potty mouth? Set the right example for today's youth! Just like you did with Willie Brown back in good old California.

A hundred years from now, if Vladimir Putin does not blow up the world first, historians will be reading about the period of 2020 to 2024 in total disbelief. How could America, a first world country, the best nation on Earth, elect two dolts like Joe and Kamala to run (ruin) this country? HOW? But we did, and now we need to hire our builder and fixer once again to Make America Great Again.  


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