Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Once again, with gusto!

"What advice would I give Donald Trump, should he ask me? 'Once again with gusto, Mr. President!' As Rush Limbaugh would often say, Doanld Trump lives rent free in the heads of most Democrats. Just keep doing what you are doing sir, it is working just fine. Once you get sworn in again, you can fix the justice system that Biden has broken so badly." 

Some pundit was pontificating the other day, that should the "Hanging Judge" from Trump's current trial, change his contempt of court (violating the gag order) punishment from $1,000 per event to some jail time (maybe even at Ricker's), Trump's lead would go up by five or six points. Trump too, has figured that out. He puts no credibility in this show trial, nor the Democrat planted judge. "If I need to go to jail to prove I have the Constitutional right of free speech - then so be it."

Boy has this ever backfired for the Democrats. Corrupt DAs (funded by Soros), tainted judges, and kluged "criminal" cases. All the while, Donald Trump is playing not the perp, but the victim. Trump's popularity continues to rise with the previously "Never Trumpers" as well as some of the independents. Plus - Trump continues to erode away at the once stalwart Democrat base. Blacks, browns, Jews, and even some suburban women who voted against Trump, are now in his corner. Who is Joe Biden picking up? Maybe more Muslims. Or not.

For fair minded Americans, the daily picture of one of the major candidates running for president, sitting in a courtroom while his geriatric opponent continues to campaign - does not sit well. In fact, many think it stinks. But hey - Trump told us there was a Deep State. He told us about the "swamp". I think part of Trump is loving the fact so many Americans can now see this travesty of justice. 

This election will be one for the ages. Should Trump win, it will be spun as total vindication. Should Biden sneak out another victory, it will be looked at as dirty politics on steroids. But here is the thing. I listened to a well-respected Democrat pundit the other day, and he had this to say - he sees the race as being much tighter than the polls show. He also believes Trump will win by 2% over Biden. Now here is my take. If the country remains almost 50-50, half the country will hate the outcome. Maybe hate it so bad, many will take to the streets. Or worse.

What advice would I give Donald Trump, should he ask me? "Once again with gusto, Mr. President!" As Rush Limbaugh would often say, Doanld Trump lives rent free in the heads of most Democrats. Just keep doing what you are doing sir, it is working just fine. Once you get sworn in again, you can fix the justice system that Biden has broken so badly. 


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