Sunday, May 26, 2024

The man behind the mask


"Welcome to Biden's America. Some think this term was only the overture in how Biden wants to build, back, better a lesser and poorer America. Others think that the two terms under Obama was the overture, and Biden's first term was really 'Act one' to this self-destruction. Others say if Biden gets a second term, that will be the final act. Mission complete."

Who is the man behind the mask? Or as some ask, who is the puppeteer who is pulling the strings of this president? Why do we need to know? Because the person who looks and acts like Joe Biden, is only an echo of who Joe Biden once was. How do I know? Look at the video tapes of Joe Biden from yesteryear, and then look at Joe Biden today. He is a mere echo of whom he was. The question again needs to be asked - who is the man (or woman) behind the mask, and why does (he/she/or they) hate America so much?

First off, can we talk energy, and how this administration has gutted our energy independence?
There was recently an article on the news about how dangerous our new energy policy is to most Americans. Dangerous? How so? Most clear-thinking Americans know this truth. No matter how much the lies from (he/she/or they) continue to come, EVs are not good for Americans right now. Americans don't want them. Americans don't want to build them. And here is the real kicker - our grid is nowhere near strong or robust enough to handle the charging of millions of EVs.

The dirty little secret of EVs is simply this - they are a bear to build. They are dirty, they are expensive. Someday the EVs might be cheap enough and clean enough to build and drive. But that day is not today. Or not tomorrow. Maybe in ten years or so, when we finally get smart enough to fortify and strengthen our grid. But to mandate EVs right now is madness. And anti-American. 

Another thing about our natural gas and oil industry in this country. It is the cleanest in the world. But - when we decided to take a back seat ("I will kill our fossil fuel industry" - Joe Biden) in drilling and fracking, we opened the door for Russia and other third world dictators to sell their dirty oil to India and China. The United States could have provided a logical bridge from cleaner burning oil and gas to renewables when they are mature enough to use. But no - the (he/she/or they) who are pulling Biden's strings wanted to do a full stop on growing this most important industry. And now gas is over $1.00 higher than it was when Biden took the oath. Inflation is unsustainable. And our strategic reserves are half what they should be.

Some think that the (he/she/or they) behind Biden are really Marxists. That they hate this country for what it is and seek to change it into something unrecognizable. Ruin the economy, divide us further, let crime run rampant, and own nothing. Our misery index will go off the charts.

Welcome to Biden's America. Some think this term was only the overture in how Biden wants to build, back, better a lesser and poorer America. Others think that the two terms under Obama was the overture, and Biden's first term was really "Act one" to this self-destruction. Others say if Biden gets a second term, that will be the final act. Mission complete. All done by the man who does not know if it is Tuesday or Thursday. But the ones (he/she/or they) behind the mask know. Trust me - they know. And they have a diabolical plan for America.   


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