Thursday, May 23, 2024

Operation: New York City

"It is now time to sit back and enjoy the show. Joe Biden continues to make gaffe after gaffe on the campaign trail. Many think that Biden will not even make it to the convention. And then what? Stay tuned. This summer could get very, very interesting." 

This is so Donald Trump. Tie him up in an ice-cold court room in Lower Manhattan, huh. Well guess what? Donald Trump is going to try and make lemonade out of these lemons. For the first time in just about forever, Donald Trump is going to campaign in the Bronx. He is going to have a monster size rally there tonight. Why? In his words (with some paraphrase), "I was born in New York. I have spent most of my life in in New York. It is time to turn this once fine city red again".

What makes Donald Trump think he has a snowball's chance of making a dent in this sky-blue Democrat monolith called New York? Joe Biden is the answer. Biden has this city so turned upside down with runaway crime, inflation, illegal immigration, and so forth - the good people of Gotham are sick to death of this garbage. They want their city back! They want their state back! They want their country back.

This morning on the news, they were talking to one native New Yorker about how he feels about Doanld Trump coming to his town and having a rally. He was pretty darn excited. Plus, he was also pretty darn upset. Why? This court case. This Democrat judge may not know it, but he and Alvin Bragg have really lionized Donald Trump. The ordinary people are looking at how he is being treated and it makes their blood boil. This is not right. This is America, and we are supposed to have a fair standard of justice. 

This will be interesting to see how this rally turns out tonight. If in fact they have thousands of fans as well as people just wanting to learn more about what and how Donald Trump can fix things. Even if Donald Trump is not successful in winning New York, he very well could make a huge dent in this monolith. So big that in 2028, the Republican candidate will turn New York red. But the longest journey always starts with the first step. And that is what Donald Trump will do tonight. Take that first step.

It is now time to sit back and enjoy the show. Joe Biden continues to make gaffe after gaffe on the campaign trail. Many think that Biden will not even make it to the convention. And then what? Stay tuned. This summer could get very, very interesting. 


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