Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The 9% Gaslight

"And that ladies and gentleman, is why Biden's numbers are tanking. ALL people, regardless of race or creed, can feel this crushing inflation. Biden can gaslight all he wants, but we know the truth. And the truth has set us free."    

Yesterday, during the closing arguments in the Donald Trump trial, Todd Blanche (Trump's attorney) made a misstatement. He referred to Michael Cohen as the GLOAT (Greatest Liar of All Time). Cohen may be in the running, but I am afraid that title already belongs to Joe Biden. I will not go into Biden's litany of lies, as the list is endless. I will however, express amazement that he is still trying to sell the fact that inflation was 9% when he took over from Donald Trump. The FACTS show the inflation number was under 2% when Trump left office. Biden has been corrected on that number many times, but who cares? Biden is either trying to do the world's best gaslighting, or he knows he is telling a whopper, and his sheeple will eventually believe him.

When I was a "white hat" in the Navy, I had a chief who had a great expression. If he thought you were giving him a load of BS, he would tell you to stop "blowing sunshine up his ***". Somebody should tell that to Biden also. It is bad enough Biden, you keep telling people that Trump broke the border, and you fixed it, but this load of garbage about the inflation rate is way too much. Don't play us for fools Mr. Biden, because we are not.

Just think - Biden is the guy who Robert De Niro said is the best thing since chocolate ice cream. De Niro, who yesterday, exposed himself as only a tool, to be used by Biden and the Democrats, came off worse than poorly. This once great actor has devolved into a robot. An AI programed clone. Nothing he said yesterday made any sense (yes, I listened to all of it). The only respite was when some clear-thinking Trump supporter set off his car alarm while De Niro was speaking.

I wanted to yell at my TV, "Is this all you got? Is this the best you have? If so, you guys are sinking fast!" The candidate who is accusing the other candidate of "destroying democracy", is keeping his opponent in some kangaroo court, answering for some crime which never happened. Again, my advice I would give to Biden and company, is not to play us for fools. We can see what is happening. That is why Trump's popularity has gone up and not down since this entire court charade started. 

By the way, just as an aside, I have been impressed with this cadre of lawyers that team Trump has assembled. That being said, I think I like Todd Blanche the best. Not only is he sharp as a tack, he by far and away has the best game face of any lawyer I have seen or dealt with. Is a game face that important? Maybe not, but it sure can't hurt! I would hate to have Blanche looking at me with that game face while he questioned me.


Back to the 9% gaslighting. What people do need to understand is this - even though inflation is down in the middle three percent now, the damage has already been done. Most things are 1/5 higher in price than they were when Biden took office. Barring deflation, that is where they are going to stay. Even if inflation came down to zero next month, things would still be 1/5 higher than when Biden took office. 

And that ladies and gentleman, is why Biden's numbers are tanking. ALL people, regardless of race or creed, can feel this crushing inflation. Biden can gaslight all he wants, but we know the truth. And the truth has set us free.    

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