Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Putin's war on Europe

"I find it ironic that in the runup to the last election, Joe Biden was sold to the country as the adult in the room. The uniter, rather than the divider. His decades of dealing with other countries was going to give us almost a guaranteed peace dividend." 

Is it Putin's war IN Europe, or Putin's war ON Europe? I guess it does not really matter. As the world sloshes through the 2020's toward the magical year of 2030, some of the world is preparing for a be all, end all war. A war which will make WWII look pale in comparison. And who is at the center of this warring faction? If you guessed Putin, you win a prize. 

According to some recent intelligence picked up by the Germans, what Russia is doing right now in Ukraine is only the start of will be a much wider initiative by the Russians. NATO, and Russia's hatred of NATO, has always been at the core. The German intelligence stated that Russia would make a play for one of NATO's lesser defended countries. It would be Putin's dare for the rest of NATO to use Article 5 of NATO to come to a common defense of the NATO country in danger. Then Putin would be able to live out his long-standing dream - toe to toe battle between his forces and NATO.

Some speculate that when Putin makes his play for a NATO country, the United States will be all eyes on Europe. And that is when China would make its play for Taiwan. And then what? Maybe World War III. The "good guys" are in alignment, and so are the "bad guys". If both Russia and China start moving troops into contested lands, it will not only be the United States who is conflicted between which front to support. It will also be Japan. China and the east coast of Russia. South Korea trying to help contain China, and also keeping the Norks at bay. The entire northern hemisphere, from the Artic to the equator, could be a war zone.

I find it ironic that in the runup to the last election, Joe Biden was sold to the country as the adult in the room. The uniter, rather than the divider. His decades of dealing with other countries was going to give us almost a guaranteed peace dividend. But here is the reality. Under Trump, the world was a fairly calm place. No major wars, just some hot spots. But under Joe Biden, we are on the edge of something horrible. "Wars and rumors of wars", just like the Bible warns us of. 

Some have wondered if Putin is the Anti-Christ. Others think he will be the one sitting on top of the Red Horse, as prophesied in the book of Revelation. The one sitting on top of the Red Horse will "...take peace from Earth, and that man would slay one another..." Is that what Putin's legacy will be? A man of war? A man of global war? 

George Bush said once when he looked into Putin's eyes, he could see his soul. Not me. When I look at a picture of Putin's eyes, I see nothing. A vacant space, just waiting to be filled with pure evil.     

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