Sunday, May 5, 2024

Land of the free, home of the brave!

"America is our home. It is our cornerstone. Our guidepost. We CANNOT lose the vision our Founders left us with. As we were warned by Ben Franklin, "we have a republic - if we can keep it". Well folks, I am beginning to wonder if we can keep it. The enemy is not at the gates any longer - they are inside the tent." 

I absolutely love this saying. It personifies America from the time I was a kid until now. I know - some have changed this motto to be "Home of the free, because of the brave". I love that one even more. Regardless, we must remember this - we live in America. The land of absolute opportunity and freedom. It is the clearest shining example of liberty that people offshore from us to see. And what is happening today? Our great country is being counterfeited. We are told we are colonialists. Racists. Conquers. But when the truth is told, we are none of these.

Somehow our institutes of higher education have taken on the mantle of disinformation. America is none of those good things - on the contrary, America is not anything like the ancient Romans or Vikings. Take territory, capture and exploit women, plunder resources. This is all such a butter cup of pure revisionist crap; it is almost amusing. And yet, many of today's snowflakes are captured by the sophism. The lies. The regurgitation of history.

I see what is happening in Congress these days. I see what is happening at our "prestigious" colleges and universities these days. I see where George Washington's statue (the father of our country), is vandalized and has Palestinian flag and mottos all over him. This almost sacrilegious. Washington was offered the position of king - and he turned it down. Kings can lead to tyranny. He wanted to President. Of a republic. Where the people's voice is heard.

America, where are you? What is happening? The beacon for all to look toward, the bright shining city on the hill - where are you? Have you lost your way? Your sense of direction? As one person from another country recently said, "We can't lose America - if we lose America, there is no other place to turn to." True words, and a AMEN!

America is our home. It is our cornerstone. Our guidepost. We CANNOT lose the vision our Founders left us with. As we were warned by Ben Franklin, "we have a republic - if we can keep it". Well folks, I am beginning to wonder if we can keep it. The enemy is not at the gates any longer - they are inside the tent. 



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