Thursday, May 16, 2024

Whither the student loan issue?

"Why can't our young folk move forward? 7% interest rates on buying a house. Four dollars to buy a carton of eggs. $3.25 for a gallon of gas. This is all on you Biden - 100% on you. All your student loan forgiveness did was pour gas on the fire."

Great news! This past month the inflation rate is coming down! How much down? It is down to about 3.4%. Putting that in relative terms, that is almost double what it was when President Trump walked out the door of the White House. And now I will talk like an economist - "The inflation rate is increasing at a decreasing rate." Note the operative word in this sentence - "increasing". Prices are still going up. And so long as they go up over the Fed's benchmark of 2.0%, forget any rate cuts by the Fed.

Here are some more interesting numbers. This country has a total debt from student loans of about $1.7T. Catch your breath for a second - that is a lot of money. A while ago, Joe "it ain't my money" Biden, tried to forgive $400B of that $1.7T. The Supreme Court blocked him. He did not have the authority. Biden gave the SOCUS his middle finger and still forgave $130B worth of student loans. Did I mention he did not have the authority to do so?

So long as Biden does irresponsible and illegal things such as student loan forgiveness, which only transfers those loans onto the backs of the taxpayers via the national debt, getting inflation back to 2.0% might be a bridge too far. This has caused me to mull over two things I have recently heard. Thing one - the University of Minnesota, which now has sky high tuition for a local state university, is going to raise their already high tuition by over 4% this upcoming year. When kids already can't afford college, the U of M has the guts to raise it some more.

Thing two - at what point in time did the House of Representatives abdicate the power of the purse as defined in Article One of our Constitution? Did not the highest court in the land tell Biden to pound sand? And he went ahead and did it anyway? Should he not be impeached for this infraction alone? If Donald Trump had done this, the tar would be boiling, and the feathers would be at the ready. But Biden? The Deep State has him fully protected, insulated, and coddled. Who then suffers? That would be us - all of us who are deeply burdened by this hidden tax called inflation.

Biden needs to be reversed on his unsanctioned and shameful student loan forgiveness. Just like Biden shoving EVs down our throat, we don't want student loan forgiveness either. We did not vote for this. You are the President Joe Biden - you are not our king.

Why can't our young folk move forward? 7% interest rates on buying a house. Four dollars to buy a carton of eggs. $3.25 for a gallon of gas. This is all on you Biden - 100% on you. All your student loan forgiveness did was pour gas on the fire.      

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