Thursday, May 30, 2024

Variable strike zones

"What the Biden justice system (yes, even in New York, it is the Biden justice system), is doing to Donald Trump is wrong and shameful. If you want to know what tyranny looks like, all you need do is turn in the TV. What Biden is doing to Trump, is just about as bad as what Putin is doing to Evan Gershkovich. Both are wrong. Both are examples of tyranny."   

The Minnesota Twins traveled to New York to play a four-game series with the dreaded Yankees. Most people in the Big Apple HATE the Minnesota Twins. Always have. In the first game of the series, the Twins had their ace pitcher on the mound. As good as this pitcher was, he could not throw a called strike. Every pitch he threw (which was not swung on), was a called ball. However, when the Twins were up at bat, the strike zone seemed to get very large. Most balls not swung on were called strikes. After three innings of this nonsense, the Twins manager decided to confront the umpire. 

"You are calling balls and strikes differently depending on which team is up!", the Twins manager yelled at the umpire. With that, the umpire just smirked. "I call them as I see them. Now back to your dugout." The Twins manager was getting flustered and frustrated. "But this is not fair! It is as if you are favoring the Yankees to win this series!" The umpire smirked again. "I was born and raised in New York. I love this team. Sorry if you feel that way, but if you don't get back to your dugout, I will have you tossed."

The above scenario is fictional (maybe), but I think you get the analogy. Every legal expert (including Democrat Alan Dershowitz) who was observing the kangaroo court that Donald Trump is in, has said the strike zone for the Defense is very small, and the strike zone for the State's Attorney is very large. And who is calling the legal strike zone? The Democrat judge. The one whose wife is also a Democrat activist.

More than one person has made a very valid point about this show trial. This "witch hunt" as many have called it. What we have seen on display is the end of our judicial system. Our "blind" system of justice has now shown itself to not only having 20/20 vision, but also very biased. In fact, this trial has been so biased, a new word has been coined - "lawfare". When Donald Trump said that even Mother Thersa could not get a fair trial in this New York courtroom, he was not kidding. Trump is a victim of Biden "lawfare".

In 1956, when then Premier Nikita Khrushchev said at the UN "We will bury you", he meant that capitalism would die under its own weight, and communism would win. Was this what he was talking about? That a future administration in America would make our system so corrupt, the people would lose hope? We would become a DeFacto police state? A "lawfare" state?

What the Biden justice system (yes, even in New York, it is the Biden justice system), is doing to Donald Trump is wrong and shameful. If you want to know what tyranny looks like, all you need do is turn in the TV. What Biden is doing to Trump, is just about as bad as what Putin is doing to Evan Gershkovich. Both are wrong. Both are examples of tyranny.   

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