Saturday, May 4, 2024

Law and order? Or lawless and disorder?

"Back to Minneapolis for a minute. Have you seen the type of person who serves on City Council? Forget the Mayor - he almost looks normal in contrast. In fact, he has tried to tether this 'clown car' of misfits down. It has not worked." 

Article in the local paper today. Get ready Minneapolis, there might be a huge tax increase coming! Why? Because of the high quality of life? Wrong answer. The article said there is a very high vacancy in office buildings downtown (still). The paper also used the same excuse for the vacancies which it has used for a couple of years now. The pandemic. Guess what Star Tribune? You can spin that yarn all you want, but most of us know the real truth. Downtown is unsafe. Not a good place to go anymore. THAT is why the vacancy rate is so high. 

Not to pick on the City of Lakes, this vacancy issue is more common than uncommon these days (in blue cities). Why? Crime. Low police numbers. Goofballs in city government. Soros funded DAs who will not prosecute crime (unless you are Donald Trump). Until more people feel safe again, until downtowns return to the calm of yesteryear, these high vacancies will continue. And so will the tax increases on those who remain downtown.

Back to Minneapolis for a minute. Have you seen the type of person who serves on City Council? Forget the Mayor - he almost looks normal in contrast. In fact, he has tried to tether this "clown car" of misfits down. It has not worked. So long as we have idealogues and socialists running (ruining) the joint, cities like Minneapolis will have lawlessness and disorder. Wait - what happened to law and order in our large cities? That has gone the way of the Dodo Bird - thanks to the DFL.

By the way - the City of Minneapolis needs more money from the taxpayers. Just think - in 2019 the number of cops in the city was 900. Then came the Floyd riots and the disregard for any law and order. Net result - today the number of cops on the beat is less than 575. Just think of how much more tax money would be needed to bring the force back up to 900. But the lower the number of cops stays, the more violence. The more violence, the less people want to live or work downtown.

If you elect clowns to run your government, the result is mayhem and dystopian living. Look around at our cities. Heck, look around at our blue cities campuses as of late. As the saying goes, the wheels have come off the trolly. Or in this article, the wheels have come off the clown car. 

Remember this choice in November. More lawlessness and disorder? Or law and order. The choice is ours to make.  


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