Sunday, May 19, 2024

What about Armed Forces Day?

"To sum it up, on Armed Forces Day, we celebrate our military. On Veteran's Day, we honor our veterans. Finally, on Memorial Day, we remember our fallen. Three important days, two in May and one coming in November. All-important days, as together they define our freedom."     

Yesterday was the third Saturday in May. Did you know this was a special day in America? It was to celebrate our Armed Forces. Did you see all the hoop-la, the flags flying, the banners? Neither did I. But it yesterday had been Pride Day - oh, my goodness! It would have been covered on every news channel, parties and picnics in Loring Park, and so forth. But Armed Forces Day? Whatever... 

A bit of history. We did not always have an Armed Forces Day. It all started with the National Security Act of 1947. That act brought the armed services under one department in our government - the Defense Department. A couple of years later, the Secretary of Defense thought it would be a great idea for the nation to celebrate its military. So, instead of having a separate day during the year to recognize each service, one day was picked to celebrate all services. And that day is the third Saturday in May.

It is a different day than Veterans Day or Memorial Day. This is the day we recognize what our armed forces have done for this country. In 1949 when this day was hatched, World War II was still fresh in many minds. Korea was on the horizon. It was easy to be very patriotic back then. Today - not so much. 

I am proud to have served in the Navy. Fellow sailors I know, mostly feel the same way. Now that I am a veteran, I still follow what is going on in the Navy. I guess I am somewhat of a Navy aficionado. I have interest in all the services, but my real interest lies in what is going on with the Navy. 

Next weekend we will recognize Memorial Day. It is a day only for the fallen. I think back when fighting in some ugly and bloody pitched battles, many young men, barely old enough to shave, gave it all. It is different day than Armed Forces Day. Similar in some respects, yet very different.

Then in November we have Veteran's Day. It is the day to remember all who served. To sum it up, on Armed Forces Day, we celebrate our military. On Veteran's Day, we honor our veterans. Finally, on Memorial Day, we remember our fallen. Three important days, two in May and one coming in November. All-important days, as together they define our freedom.     

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