Friday, May 24, 2024

What does Putin really want?

"Keep in mind one thing. Ever since Putin put the world on the doorstep of something awful, we are only one misstep away from disaster. This summer could be the overture for that misstep. The stage is set, and everyone is armed to the teeth. Will cooler heads prevail? We can only hope and pray they will."    

Some historians think we have actually entered the first phases of World War III. How was that for some scary talk? And why would we risk the livability of this planet on a global war? For what purpose? Land. It seems that land is usually the culprit in starting wars, and no doubt, should this conflagration in Europe spread, it will still be about land.

Putin, the latest bad boy of Europe, has his sights set on taking some or all of Ukraine. In his mind, there are parts of Europe should belong to Russia. When the Cold War ended, and the Soviet Union split apart, that is when Russia could have shown the world that it was a changed country. It no longer wanted to be expansionist - it only wanted to join the league of civilized nations and build a better life for its citizens. Only one problem - Vladimir Putin. The old KGB guy, who wants to live in yesteryear. And he wants the land back which (in his twisted mind) should belong to Mother Russia.

Some think that Putin is just full of empty threats and bluster. That he should be ignored. That his troops in Ukraine should be driven out. However, there are others who think we might be at the tipping point with Russia. Given state of the art weaponry NATO has sent to Ukraine to kill Russian soldiers and sink Russian ships, has caused Putin to rethink tomorrow. Especially with the British. Especially with Ukrainian troops using the UK provided Storm Shadow missiles.

Recently, Putin has issued a not so veiled threat against the British. Keep supplying lethal armament to Ukraine, and any British target will be called fair game by the Russians. What does that mean? If means this stubborn war could spread way beyond the borders of Ukraine. All it would take is one Russian missile to sink one British ship, and it will be Katie bar the door. Europe, as well as NATO, will find itself once again, mired in the muck of a Euro war. A world war.

On the other side of the equation, rumors are flying that Putin is tired of his military machine getting chewed up in Ukraine. He does not want to be involved in a "forever war". He is ready to call it a day and withdraw his troops. All he wants is the territory he has illegally captured. He will take Crimea and the Donbas regions of Ukraine. The only problem with this solution is this - Ukraine wants no part of it. Ukraine's solution is Russia leaves without Crimea or Donbas, and then Putin gets tried for war crimes. If those two positions stay intransigent, the "forever war" that Putin fears might be in the offing.

Keep in mind one thing. Ever since Putin put the world on the doorstep of something awful, we are only one misstep away from disaster. This summer could be the overture for that misstep. The stage is set, and everyone is armed to the teeth. Will cooler heads prevail? We can only hope and pray they will.    



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