Saturday, May 18, 2024

The bad news boys

"My bet is the freedom loving countries in the world would want to stay free. And please Biden and Blinken - no more lectures and finger wagging about climate and government to our new friends. With the new alliance between China and Russia, we have bigger fish to fry."  

Did you see that despicable example of a "bromance" between Russia and China? Just like in a tough neighborhood, the bullies have decided to band together. I have said this before - the bad guys are starting to align in a tighter circle. Kind of like a modern "Axis of Evil". But what about the good guys? Besides NATO, are we starting to align? That is where the good news starts.

NATO, Japan, Australia, South Korea, the Philippine Islands - are all on the same side. But - as strong as the free countries of the world are right now, we need to get stronger. What do I mean? We need to court India. India, is the most populus country in the world right now, barely edging out China. But India's military is the eye opener. 1.5M troops on active duty, and another 1.5M in reserve. Plus - India has some beefs and concerns about China. That being said, India is still somewhat siding with a non-western organization like BRICS. 

Our trade has gotten better with India, but for the past few years, India has become fed up with the finger wagging the Biden administration has done to them. "Be more democratic", or "be more climate conscious". I am surprised that Blinken has not schooled them on the proper pronouns to use.

But all this is for naught. What should we be doing with India? How about treating them with respect. Make them a most favored trading partner. Sell them our crude oil at a cheaper price than Russia is selling oil to them. China has treated India poorly, and India does not like it. But India won't criticize Russia on the Ukraine invasion. Why? Because India needs cheap energy. India is ripe for a better friendship with the west - especially us. If push comes to shove in the Indo-Pacific, we will need India to be not only our partner, but also our strategic military ally.

And one more thing - Viet Nam. Much has changed over the past 50 years. We have an excellent trading agreement with View Nam right now, and dare I call the two countries friends? I think so. They are also fearful of what China could do in the East and South China Seas. I say we help Viet Nam upgrade their military (especially their Navy) and draw up a defense agreement with them.

The United States has many friends during peacetime. Now it is time to get more partners should that peace become war. If China and Russia want to form a new day "Legion of Doom" - let them. My bet is the freedom loving countries in the world would want to stay free. And please Biden and Blinken - no more lectures and finger wagging about climate and government to our new friends. With the new alliance between China and Russia, we have bigger fish to fry.  

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