Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Clouds on the horizon

"As the DNC tries to throw dirt on top of the vile voting practices and corrupted machines which allowed Slo Joe to win, our side will continue to perform an autopsy on this rotting corpse of an election."

Shhh. Don't tell anyone. But in just over a month, barring a miracle (or if the missing Kraken is found), the most improbable person in the country, will be sworn in as our 46th President. Slo Joe Biden will waltz into the White House with his "doctor" wife, and crackhead son. But man oh man, are there ever clouds on the horizon for the upcoming Biden Administration. Unlike the Russian Hoax the Democrats tried to pin on Donald Trump, with Biden, there is plenty of "there-there".

Biden will try and appoint a "Wingman" AG like Obama had in Eric Holder. But that probably won't work, as Biden does not have nearly enough Obama "magic". No, the clouds on the horizon will come from Biden's crackhead son, as well as the very tainted election which allowed Biden to cheat his way into the White House. 

I have said this before. Under Donald Trump, the Democrats set the bar very low in how we treat a President. Yesterday, Biden chided Donald Trump for not accepting "the will of the people" with the election. Biden wants all who did not vote for him to join hands with his supporters and sing Kumbaya and Auld Lang Syne. Come on man! Can't we all just get along? NFW Slo Joe, NFW. And we will treat you just as well as your side treated Donald Trump.

If I were Hunter Biden, I would leave the country and head for China sooner, rather than later. The patriots and citizens will demand of their representatives, that Hunter Biden is made public enemy number one. He colluded with the enemy. He sold us out. And it appears there is more than one smoking gun which point that way. If Hunter Biden does stick around, our side will politically vivisect him.

As the DNC tries to throw dirt on top of the vile voting practices and corrupted machines which allowed Slo Joe to win, our side will continue to perform autopsies on this rotting corpse of an election. We WILL find the Kraken, the smoking gun(s), which will prove Biden and Harris are illegitimates. We will prove that our election system in the November election was no better than Third World. And then we will fix it.

Enjoy your fiat victory Slo Joe. Your worst days are just over the horizon. In fact, the clouds are starting to gather. Your fiat victory will be bitter sweet Joe - heavy on the bitter and light on the sweet. Why? Cheaters never prosper.  

1 comment:

  1. What happens if the President-elect falls ill or dies before Jan. 20th? A real Constitutional question, as well as a practical and political one.
