Wednesday, December 16, 2020


"If you feel like we have gotten conned in last month's election, you should feel that way. Even honest Democrats (all be it few and far between), should admit these numbers are very, very odd." 

I have been doing some research on this most improbable election we had this year. As been said by many, and said many times, the numbers make no sense. None what-so-ever. What was my baseline? Barack Hussein Obama. Our "transformation" President. The one who ran against a very weak Republican candidate in 2008, and was going to "clean up" at the polls. Clean up all the way down the ticket.

Obama did "clean up" in 2008. He even had some Republicans cross over and vote for him. Why? History. First mixed race President. The House flipped back to blue, and the United States Senate (thanks to grabby Franken) had a super majority. Most states had Democrat Governors. It looked like the days of Ronald Reagan were over for good.

If we can peel the onion back just a bit, it gets interesting. In 2008, this wildly popular newcomer (Obama) did very well. He ended up with 69.5 M votes - an impressive victory! There was a 21 seat pickup by the Democrats in the House, and 8 seats in the Senate. It was truly a "blue wave". To add insult to injury, the Democrats had Governors in 29 of the 50 states.

Flash forward to 2020. The Democrats have Slo Joe running for President, who can't put a sentence together. He is the opposite of dynamic, opposite of Obama. Biden did about zero campaigning, and very little interaction with the press. He was running against an incumbent President, whose list of accomplishments are a mile long. Now it gets goofy - real goofy. Joe Biden was able to get 81.3 M votes - over 10 M more than Obama received in 2008. Huh?

And how about Biden's coattails compared to Obama? Short answer - there were none. In 2020, the House Republicans picked up 15 seats, giving the Democrats the slimmest majority in decades. The Democrats only picked up 1 Senate seat, with two yet to be decided. Plus the Republicans picked up 1 additional Governor seat, giving them 27 out of 50 states.

Bottom line? Do you believe these numbers? Many don't, because they make no sense. The Democrats are so unpopular, they almost lost control of the House. Still don't control the Senate. Plus - since 2008, have gone from a majority of Governors, to a minority. And Slo Joe got over 80 M votes? NFW.

If you feel like we have gotten conned in last month's election, you should feel that way. Even honest Democrats (all be it few and far between), should admit these numbers are very, very odd. 

As for the citizens and patriots, we are left here scratching our heads. Something is rotten in Denmark - or should I say Detroit. Some day the real truth will come out with what really happened last month. When that day comes, things might get very ugly, very fast.  

1 comment:

  1. "Even honest Democrats (all be it few and far between)..."

    I think you mean "albeit." (Chalk this up to the "Curse of the English Major.")
