Saturday, December 12, 2020

Our new "Woke"

"Actually, our new 'Woke' started in the 1980's when Ronald Reagan was our President. He set the table for a guy like Donald Trump. And the best part? This table has now been set by Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump for the next super patriot to lead us." 

Last night, with the Supreme Court refusing to hear the Presidents petition, might have been a dagger to the heart for liberty. And what does all of this mean? It means we all know there was crap going on in the background which tainted this election. However, the "smoking gun" became illusive, and  the clock ran out. Next week when the electors are seated in the electoral college, it will be lights out for a second (consecutive) term for Donald J. Trump.

Meanwhile, I am sure the betting types are setting up a "dead pool" on Biden. Not so much if he lives or dies, but rather how long it will be before he is "Amendment 25'd" out of the White House. It might be sooner than one might think. Yesterday, he was talking about how important this run off election was - oh crap! He forget the name of the state! Like I say, sooner than one might think.

Fair minded historians will give Donald Trump high grades on his four years. What was his signature accomplishment? The "Right to Try" law? Establishment of the Space Force? The record setting economy? The Middle East peace accords? Our new and much fairer trade agreements? Our re-built and robust military? Moving our embassy in Israel? Or, Operation "Warp Speed"? 

There are others as well. But at the top of all of these, I have one more. Donald Trump has awoken the conservative base. He has filled us with an unquenchable fire. He has reminded us we don't need to be "Democrat Light" or a RINO to survive and matter in Washington. Actually, I will steal a term from the left. Donald Trump has made over half the country "Woke". So much so, we will never again settle for establishment Republicans leading us. Donald Trump has sharpened our vision. Awoken us.

Actually, our new "Woke" started in the 1980's when Ronald Reagan was our President. He set the table for a guy like Donald Trump. And the best part? This table has now been set even fuller and nicer, by both Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. Set for the next super patriot to rise up and lead us. 

But as for now, it will be with a heavy heart that I will watch Donald Trump exit the White House next month. Only to be replaced by a corrupt imposter. As a friend of mine told me - we survived 8 years of Obama, we should be able to survive 4 years of Biden/Harris. My reply - but at what cost? The slippery slope Trump protected us from these last four years is still there. Only now it is slipperier. Much, much slipperier.  


1 comment:

  1. I've heard that, if Trump doesn't concede, it'd go to the House.
