Sunday, December 13, 2020

Deeper than deep...

"So, the question remains simply this - how deep is deep? How deep is the Deep State? For citizens and patriots, not deep enough. What we have learned from Donald Trump, is the Deep State can be contained and controlled."

I have had many revelations this year. Many of course, due to this pandemic (that everyone, including me) is sick to death of talking about. No, my biggest revelation by far this year, was finding out just how deep the Deep State is. Deeper than the Mariana Trench, that is how deep. 

What I am about to say, comes as no surprise to most of us. The push by the Deep State to get rid of President Trump started early in his first term. How early? The Washington Post (WaPo) published an article about impeachment 19 minutes after Donald Trump was sworn in. Nineteen minutes! But here is one even better. The Deep State tried to derail Donald Trump when he was still candidate Trump. And it has been non-stop from then until now.

Has anyone ever fully understood why this man, this businessman from NYC, went from being loved by the press, to so vilified? Why the left, who had neither a like nor dislike of this man, now hates Donald Trump worse than Satan? Why the Deep State has tried every trick in the book, including some they had to invent these past four years, just to truncate the term of POTUS # 45? Were they all still that bitter over Hillary?

The conclusion I have come to, this vile hatred of Donald Trump, had less to do with him, and more to with what Donald Trump represents. And what Donald Trump represents is what the left hates the most about America. Rugged individualism. National pride. Law and order. Belief in the Holy Bible. Belief in our Constitution. Protection of the First and Second Amendments. A fair press. Paychecks instead of welfare checks. Equal opportunities instead of equal outcomes.

Sound radical? Read our history. These traits are the traits of our Founders. But the left does not care about that. What they should care about is this - these traits are also the traits which most of Donald Trump's supporters have. And we are legions. 

So, the question remains simply this - how deep is deep? How deep is the Deep State? For citizens and patriots, not deep enough. What we have learned from Donald Trump, is the Deep State can be contained and controlled. Maybe even eliminated. For that lesson, we will forever be grateful to President Trump. 

And as for "Fiat Joe", should he slip into the White House, we will show him something much, much worse than the Deep State could do to Donald Trump. And that would be the truth. This nation was founded on the truth, and will be saved by the truth. The truth will cleanse all the crap the left, the Deep State, has tried to sully on this nation with.  

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