Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Seen some strange things in my lifetime...

We have the social unrest of 1968, the confusion of the election of 2000, and the pandemic of 1918, all rolled up into one year. 

One of my favorite John Denver songs from yesteryear was "Readjustment Blues". And one of my favorite lines in that song was, "I have seen a lot of strange things in my travels...". I can modify that line to say, "I have seen a lot of strange things in my lifetime, but few as strange as I am seeing now." I dare say the majority of folks could say the same. Every time I try to get used to the mayhem, the madness, the confusion of today, reality smacks me on the side of the head. These days are like a dream - a very bad dream.

We have the social unrest of 1968, the confusion of the election of 2000, and the pandemic of 1918, all rolled up into one year. Yesterday, I had a neuropathy appointment. It was like walking into a clean room. Everyone was masked up, and all surfaces sanitized. What was somewhat of social event as well as medical in the past, is now very clinical and distanced. Today, I have my six month dentist appointment. Having your teeth cleaned these days, is almost like going in for surgery, in how clean and prepped everyone is.

Yesterday, some cooler heads tried to prevail in Minneapolis. The nut balls on the City Council want to significantly reduce the size of the Minneapolis Police Department. News flash - it is already too small. The Mayor, and the Chief of Police had a presser to say this is nuts (so to speak). Crime is already sky high, and to reduce then number of cops would be a disaster. Dozens of cops have already taken medical retirement due to PTSD caused by the George Floyd riot. Minneapolis right now, is a great place to avoid. 

In 2000, we had one of the strangest Presidential elections - ever. People on the left were so pissed off that Bush (43) got the nod from the Supreme Court, their motto became, "Not my President!", or "Selected, not elected!". Whereas that election was over some "hanging chad" issues in one state (Florida), this election is about fraud on a national level. How is it going to turn out? Stay tuned. But it could end badly for all of us.

2020 has one more month left in it. Thank the Lord, many are saying or thinking. This year, the start of a decade, started off with so much promise. Now it has turned into a fever dream which will not quit.

2021 SHOULD be a better year, as by June 1st, everyone who wants to take the Covid - 19 vaccine, should have. We should also have this election fiasco figured out by then. Either Biden will be President, and most of the country will agree there was no fraud, or fraud was proved, and Trump will be in his second term. The worst outcome would be if Biden was President, and the fraud issue was unresolved. If that is the case, 2021 will be a bigger mess than 2020 is.

I have been in earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and typhoons. I have been across the IDT as well as the equator. I have lived in a third world country for a year and a half. I have traveled to Washington DC over 200 times. In other words, I have been around the block. Now at 70, I can look around and say, these days are the strangest I have ever lived in. Not by a little, but by a lot.

Time to go. Have to finish my Covid paperwork for my dentist appointment. In the paper this morning, it is reported that Christmas might be a scrub. The much anticipated surge is coming. This is after Thanksgiving being a dud. The Gopher football season is about dead, killed by Covid. There is more. I could report more, but I am starting to get melancholy (again)...   

1 comment:

  1. '"I have seen a lot of strange things in my travels..."'

    First item this got me thinking of was a line from a Sesame Street record where Oscar the Grouch, playing a genie, says of Cookie Monster: "I've seen a lot of things, but boy is that guy weird."

    "This year, the start of a decade..."

    Actually, as I may have noted before, the 2020s officially start next year.
