Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Wither our Space Force?

"Tell us what you know government. Now. I can handle it. We can handle it. No more secrets. This shell game has been going on since Roswell. Time to shine the light of truth on this most obscure secret."

Okay. First it was the former Defense Minister from Canada who could not keep his yap shut. Now it is some retired space security honcho from Israel. And if you believe the movie Acknowledged, there are literally hundreds of former DOD civilians and military folks who are now living outside the NDAs they have signed. Subject? Aliens. How some beings from outside our atmosphere have been visiting with us for years. From something called the Galactic Federation. Who else knows? Supposedly, President Trump.

Come on Bird! We have an Earth shaking SCOTUS decision today about the election, the pandemic is raging, and China is still trying to eat our lunch. And you are writing about little green men? What gives?

Why am I going down this rabbit hole, when there are so many terrestrial things I can address this morning. Because it this is true, if there is a shred of evidence which is valid and viable on this subject, it will make everything else we are dealing with look shallow. In fact (as the story goes), President Trump, once "read in", wanted to go public with disclosure. He was talked out of it by representatives of the Galactic Federation as (to quite the movie), we can't (yet) handle the truth.

How deep can this rabbit hole go? The Israeli source said we have an underground base on Mars, which is currently staffed by representatives of our Armed Forces, as well as representatives of the Galactic Federation. Is this the reason we now have a Space Force? If you do any research on a black program called Solar Warden, we have had unacknowledged forces in space for years now.

How much of this is true? How much is urban legend? How much is pure BS? Is it true that our government knows more about this, and will not tell us? Here is my position. I will start from believing this is all BS. Now government - tell us EVERYTHING. That will either confirm the BS position, or - it will be the greatest disclosure in modern times. 

We know from scientists that out of the billions of galaxies, they all have billions to trillions of planets. Some are "Earth like". Some might have life. Some might have intelligent life. Some might be millions of years more advanced than us. Or, we might be totally alone in the cosmos. 

What is my point? Tell us what you know government. Now. I can handle it. We can handle it. No more secrets. This shell game has been going on since Roswell. Time to shine the light of truth on this most obscure secret.    

1 comment:

  1. My biggest problem with this story is the name Galactic Federation. Comes across as something you might find in banal science fiction.
