Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Trump's Dilemma?

"The states under Republican control better step up to the plate, and soon. We need to re-do this election, and do it the right way, so it can be shown that Donald Trump was the real winner - and by a large margin. Until then, I don't know where we are."

When I was growing up, there was a popular quiz show called "I've got a Secret". My folks watched it, and since it was "G" rated back then, I would watch it with them. Can't quite remember all the subtleties of the show, but the name of the game was to guess (after getting clues), what secret a contestant was holding. Why bring this up? Because I think our President knows the deepest, darkest secret of them all (excluding aliens).

I know many conservatives who voted for the President, and believe they have been cheated. They want the President to spill his guts. Tell us everything Mr. President - we can handle it! No - maybe we can't. Here is my take. The corruption, the rot, goes so deep in many corners of our government, to tell the nation everything he knows right now, might rip us apart. Rip us apart so totally, there would be no fixing it. 

But he also knows this. If Slo Joe becomes POTUS # 46, with 75M of us knowing he is not legit, and we have been cheated, it will forever ruin our election process. Like, why vote, when the results are already set? This is Third World, live and in color.

This I believe, is Trump's dilemma. Which way to go, that will cause the least amount of harm to the country. This might be the toughest choice to be made by any President - ever. You mean even more critical than dropping the A Bomb? Yes, because it Trump does not play this one the right way, it could mean the end of our Union. Or, it could lead to gunfire, violence, and death. It could be Civil War 2.0.

Where does that leave us? Many of us feel like we are in nowhere land right now. A legit President being driven from office, and an imposter, who cheated his way into the White House. Any Executive Order, any bill Biden signs into law, would be counterfeit. Meanwhile, the real winner of the election would be living outside of the White House. It will be a classic example of Swamp vs. Truth.

The states under Republican control better step up to the plate, and soon. We need to re-do this election, and do it the right way, so it can be shown that Donald Trump was the real winner - and by a large margin. Until then, I don't know where we are. And I don't think I am alone on that issue.  

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