Friday, December 11, 2020

Squeezing the lemon...

"Today on the news, it was reported a poll was recently conducted on only Biden voters. They were asked if they knew before the election about the (alleged) corruption in the Biden family, 17% said they would not have voted for him."

There is an old saying - Winners are able to make lemonade out of lemons. (My saying now) - losers remain being lemons. Ladies and gentlemen, for those who might not know this by now, the fiat person who might end up being POTUS # 46, is a lemon. Not just a lemon, a lemon who has been spoiled and corrupted. And his entire family are lemons - especially son Hunter. There is no making any lemonade out of this bunch - not one drop.

Joe Biden has always been a loser. Always. Now we are finding our just how corrupt he and his family have been. Joe, Hunter and the uncles are not the only lemons in the DNC basket - how about that fraud "Farticus"? As was trying to make the Russia Hoax look believable (which never happened), he was hiding a deep, dark secret. Eric Swalwell, the least likable person in Congress, is not only a lemon, but also a hypocrite. And in this basket of lemons, you can toss in the 80 year old Pelosi, and the 90 year old DiFi also. 

This is not going to sound good, and some of my RINO buddies will not like this at all. This country will not do well with a fiat, lemon like Biden. We barely made it though Obama, whom (we think), was not fiat. The 75,000,000 to 80,000,000 who voted to re-elect the President, will not do well with a phony, and a lemon in the White House. 

Right now, all eyes are on the Supreme Court. With over 100 in Congress who are supporting Texas (in their lawsuit), and over 1/3 of the states now joining the lawsuit, as the old saying goes - "This ain't nothing." For the countries sake, and believe it or not, for Biden's sake, the Supremes need to toss out the electoral votes from Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. They need to be nullified. But why Biden? With what we know right now, his life in the White House will be a living hell. Or worse.

Today on the news, it was reported a poll was recently conducted with only Biden voters. When asked if they knew before the election about the (alleged) corruption in the Biden family, 17% said they would NOT have voted for Biden. That would be about 10,000,000 fewer votes for Biden. In other words, even with all the cheating going on, Trump would have even won - even in a DNC fixed election. 

Bottom line? Here is our answer to those who ask why we just can't move on. Why we can't accept Biden as our President. Here is our nearly collective and unified answer - HELL NO! Stronger message to follow. Not only is Biden a lemon, he is crooked. He is a disgrace to the country. He and his family are putrid with corruption. Right now, the Supreme Court is the only thing standing between a fair outcome to this election, or succession. Or - maybe even a civil war.

We are living in history right now. Good, bad or ugly - it is history. It will be the most corrupt election since 1824 - the now famous "Corrupt Bargain". Pay close attention, so we can tell our kids and grand kids the true story of what has happened. Not revisionist history. Yes, it is that important. 

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