Thursday, March 18, 2021

A harbinger of things to come...

"We need Joe Manchin to put on his big boy pants, and stop this insanity in the Senate. He needs to remember he represents a coal state. He needs to remember he is an American. It is a sad state when all our hopes are pinned on one Democrat in the Senate who might, just might, come to his senses. Lord help us..."     

Well, we are not that far removed from the "polar vortex" which recently froze our buns off. Was it cold in MN? Yea, it was cold. Coldest ever? Not even close. But - because that cold front dove all the way from Canada down into Texas, it strapped the country for power. So much so, the extra heat needed to keep MN customers from suffering brownouts or blackouts, was very expensive. Like, over $300 (per residential customer) for those few days the temp stayed below zero. That $300 surcharge should be a wakeup call for call of us.

Is there something wrong with this picture? Hell yes, there is! We are now a country which is slowly committing energy suicide. Why? The knucklehead we elected, who is owned by the greenies on the left, thinks by getting rid of coal and fracking, we will be living in a land of sunshine and lollypops. That is the thinking of people who don't think. Here is reality. Winters are going to be cold. Temps are going to periodically go below zero. Our state's population will continue to increase, so our energy requirements will increase. To reduce our reliable power sources, to satisfy the Earth goddess Gaia, is a fool's errand carried out by idiots. 

Joe Biden, the "hero of the little guy", is really out to stick it to the poor and middle class. Besides allowing out gasoline to rise to above $3/gallon (or more) this summer, the price of heating our homes is going to be out of sight. In the pastel colored world in which Biden lives, the price of gas means nothing. We can all just hop in our battery powered cars and drive into the sunset. As far as heating out homes, we can all have solar panels and a windmill in our backyard to cover that issue. Problem solved.

Here is reality for those of us whose sky is painted in bright, bold colors. Getting rid of our coal is going to be a killer. Coal still supplies 20% of our electricity. Cold hard fact. If we get rid of that 20%, large sections of our country is going to have to do without enough electricity. Needlessly. 

How about building the new nuclear plants? Sure, I am in favor. But the average time to build a nuke once all the hurdles and lawsuits have been cleared - is five years. And we will need a lot of those smaller nuke plants to take the place of the coal we are getting rid of. And solar and wind have a long, long way to go, before they are viable. 

Our energy program under Biden, is just like his open border policy. Self inflicted wounds. Nobody is forcing us to do this. This is all us. We elected Biden (please don't ask me why), and he (with a friendly Congress), are calling the shots.

We need Joe Manchin to put on his big boy pants, and stop this insanity in the Senate. He needs to remember he represents a coal state. He needs to remember he is an American. It is a sad state when all our hopes are pinned on one Democrat in the Senate who might, just might, come to his senses. Lord help us...     

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