Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Confiscatory living in America

"Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the committee - are taking our country apart brick by brick. And we are letting them. Why? Is there nothing that can be done, short of war? Somebody please weigh in on this one. Weigh in before it is too late."   

Yesterday, I addressed the upcoming bill on infrastructure. How big and sweeping it was going to be. That bill is only part of a barrage of major spending bills (with little or no Republican support), which will be coming out of Slo Joe and his Congress. Then yesterday, they leaked out some of the specifics concerning the next bill after infrastructure. Taxes. The first tax increase in decades, complements of the Democrats (again). And this one is going to be a doozy.

Let me start out by saying this. Everything which has been leaked out so far concerning this bill, is antithetical to how Donald Trump ran the economy. Instead of taking the shackles of government off of businesses and the wealth producers, Biden's handlers (the committee), are going to put them into a vice. Squeeze the life out of them. Kill the economy. Kill our wealth. No more better mousetraps - instead, people will just be trying to survive.

Why would Slo Joe do such a thing? He is not. He is only a skin puppet for the committee. They are the puppet masters. The string pullers. The wealth haters. This is all about equity. Not equality, but equity. Using the tax code, turn our government into Robin Hood on steroids. If someone has too much - that can be fixed. It can be taken. The socialists call this fair - the conservatives call this confiscatory. 

Slo Joe and Ms. Nancy want to really sock it to the corporations. Raise the corporate tax rate. Make it the highest in the world. Then go after couples who make over $400,000. Strip them of their wealth. What idiots like Slo Joe and Ms. Nancy do not realize is this - high income people are the job creators. Take their wealth away, as so do the jobs. Tax corporations too high, and they will leave. As much as Slo Joe and Ms. Nancy would like to, you can't hold a gun to someone's head and force them to produce. People of wealth can simply gather up their marbles - and either quit or leave.

Raising the cap gains tax is another stupid idea. Why are cap gains taxed less than ordinary income? To spur investment. Take that advantage away, and there goes the small investors. There goes "crowdfunding" and venture capitalism. Why can't Slo Joe and Ms. Nancy understand this? Donald Trump did. Donald Trump did because he worked for a living. Biden and Pelosi have never worked a day in their mooching lives.

Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the committee - are taking our country apart brick by brick. And we are letting them. Why? Is there nothing that can be done, short of war? Somebody please weigh in on this one. Weigh in before it is too late.   

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