Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Sucking on the Blarney Stone

"Sucking on the Blarney Stone. Well done Slo Joe. I bet most of the minions who voted for you had no clue what a country wrecker you are. We did. You are doing just what most of us feared. You sir, are dishonest and a liar. Always have been, always will be. Happy St. Paddy's day."  

Our Irish President. Our accidental Irish President. Our Irish President who may not be that Irish at all (Biden, it turns out, is not really an Irish name). In any event, he thinks he is Irish, so on this day, when we are all a bit Irish, we will let him also be Irish. That being said, a common Irish saying for one who has the gift of gab, and maybe embellishes a bit by doing so, "kisses the Blarney Stone". Joe Biden does not kiss the Blarney Stone - he sucks on it. 

Even though this man has dementia, and is often times incoherent, he loves to talk in "word salads." It does not matter to him what he says, just as long as he talks. And he does not embellish like many kindly old Irish folks - instead, Biden out and out lies. Don't think so? Look at what he has said, and then stack those statements up against his actions. 

The American Rescue Plan, aka the latest Stimulus Package. What a crock this is. If he had three drops of honest blood coursing through his veins, he would admit this $1.9T pile of goo is just a DNC goodie package. Kind of like the "Porkulus Bill" (America Recovery and Reinvestment Act) was in 2009. He NEVER has admitted that only 9% of this newly minted law goes towards Covid relief. And yet, that is how he and Commie Harris are selling this thing.

The new tax increase. Reminds me of when candidate Bill Clinton promised over and over and over again that he would NEVER raise taxes on the middle class. Just like Slo Joe recently promised. Shortly after Clinton was elected, he looked in the camera and said (with a tear in his eye), "I tried, I really tried. I did not know how bad things were. So, I had to raise the middle class taxes as well." The table is now set for Slo Joe to do a similar mea clupa. This tax increase of between 2 and 4 trillion dollars, is going to cost ALL of us, a mint.

The southern border. If Slo Joe was like Pinocchio, his nose would grow to mile or so long. He and the people in his orbit, lie to the American people on a daily basis. Even semantics have proved to be problematic. Can't call the southern border a "crisis" - it is only a "situation". Again, what a crock! Biden is empowering and enriching Mexican cartels by turning a blind eye to the human trafficking coming up from the southern border. Biden is allowing more drugs to enter the nation, and (gasp!), he is sending illegals with positive Covid tests, all over the south. Biden is a liar, liar, pants on fire! And he is dangerous to our country.

Sucking on the Blarney Stone. Well done Slo Joe. I bet most of the minions who voted for you had no clue what a country wrecker you are. We did. You are doing just what most of us feared. You sir, are dishonest and a liar. Always have been, always will be. Happy St. Paddy's day.  


1 comment:

  1. Maybe this was deliberate, but your green text on this tan background is really difficult to read.
